Home > Lower Sanctuary

Monsters of Free Sanctuary

Clearly presented on the side of the Lower Fortress

Monsters infest our city. Drow, Kobolds, and Goblins are allowed to walk freely, and a servant of the same God Ghail served, the same God that slew the Red Skulls, roams free also, enslaving and hiring the monsters to do his will. Westmore's protectors do nothing as these wander our streets freely. The Seekers who brought stability through weapons no longer help us. Free Sanctuary is alone and without people to protect it, except for the common man.

Stand up. Protect your home, so no more monsters and murderers can kill our citizens for their own dark desires.

Kazzal of Thunderbeast dictated this letter, Kazzal of Thunderbeast answers for it. I reside at the Shrine of Ascension for any who wish to contact me.

*these posters start reeking mysteriously of urine*

[under some of the non urine stained ones]

Why do you extend your hate to the kobold? They seek leadership, guidance. Provide them this, and march against your enemies.

I am gathering a force, and I will take back my life on the surface. I will be a part of this cursed place no longer.

Will you join me, or will you remain here, and Rot in your hopeless lives, dreaming of escape?

- Rhade

This painting, in the same style of some of those seen about Upper Sanctuary of late, is found beneath "Rhade's" note:

You cannot hide for long.