Posters are hung outside the Pissing Crone.
Were it not for my revelation but a day ago, I would have continued to believe that the vile aberrations referring to themselves as 'druids' or 'oathtakers' are pure beings.
Natures tentacles, conjured by the very druids I fought to defend, embraced my legs and held me fast. Without mobility, of course, I was simple bait to the beasts I opposed.
Natures tentacles alike to those of illithid. In their ironclad grip they slowly bring one closer to death with each passing moment.
And then, at the mention of that, I was given the blame of deciding to come along, deciding to fight for -them-, the very beings that betrayed me. Such immorality I have only seen in the beholders of Chabzash, who slay and enslave wickedly.
In their supreme arrogance, they demand for men and women to conform to their abnormal ways. This is not natural, nor human, elf, or anything we consider as humane. This is a menace so dark, so abhorrent that I see it as my duty, whether or not I gain support, to oppose these vile aberrations known as 'druids'.
I warn you, people of Sanctuary when you walk the caves, be not -enthralled- by their repulsing ways! Fight when they demand for you to attune to their perverted ways.
In this darkness, you must unite, and fight these vile 'druids' or 'oathtakers' else we will become enslaved once more by what they consider 'ways of the nature' but what in actuality is a perversions of the very nature they pose to protect.
~Javier Kanthil