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Merum Sorrooke (rabbit)

Circumstances now mean it's time for screenshots :(

One of Merum's first captures. She passed every save except one :)

The aftermath of the arrest... (one of them)

A new friend. Shiny eyes, no? Thanks blue.

The obligtory YOUR FACE comment.

The first "tender' moment between Sev and Merum. This signified the first time Sev ever opened up to Merum, and their story together began.

Emotions revealed - Feelings discussed. But was it enough to keep them together?

And finally - Clash of the titans.

Kudos primarily to Caster. This story has been amazing to develop with you - Two troubled lives finding solace in each other , without it being a romance. A mother/daughter relationship between two tormented souls. It has been great fun.

Thanks to Djspectre, with Drin always trying to guide her to what is right.

Otherwhere, With rolliander being a big part of her 'life', Blue's influence was exceptional.

TheEyeOfTheStorm (edit sorry:( ), for Providing me with an 'enemy', in Mebrith.

TRB, for deepingdale kikcing my ass in one shot in an AOO. (non crit)

TNVW, with Allivarn for always being there when she needed.. well.. money. Thanks :)

Emryuk. Calrind had such an impact on her, with his death. and Rose continued to be a pillar of support. Kudos.

and... SKRILLIX!! (nothing else needs to be said)

Merum was an awesome character, we had some great interactions but not as many duels as I would've liked. :(

Oh, and great screenshots. That last one is the best, imo.


Nicely done, Cruzel. <3 that face off in the last screenie!

You owe me money....Bastard

I never enjoyed a fruiting, so I cannot endorse this thread.

I never really met Rabbit, but I heard a lot about her. She caused quite a stir. Good job, Cruzel.

Man did that halfer drive Frank nuts. Good times!

No come back :(

I think I never got the chance to meet her, but I did hear about her.

And damn, judging from this thread she must've been one great character. :)

Rabbit wins the prize for the most inventive use of fruit ever on a quest, without a doubt.

I swear Rabbit had a bag of holding with a whole orchard growing inside, as a never ending assault of fruit seemed to come from her.

Rabbit was the only hin other than Rolliander (Blue) to nearly drive Drin to drink and enter an alcoholic rage.

And yes, using fruit to mark traps was priceless.

Lets also not forget she successfully turned "Fruit as a Combat technique and You" into an artform.

Well played. Aftermath is still playing out.

*claps* Well done, Cruzel, well done. Not nearly as useful as Vincent, but a bit more entertaining. The godzilla line is priceless.

Is she... over?

Cruzel, you bastard! Miss me off the list, will you?

Our relationship is over.

I expect the divorce papers through soon.


Never knew if i should have loved this character or hated her. She did fruit Wyric to my endless joy. She was certainly differant to the halflings you tend to see on EFU.

Nice screenies as well, especially the deep lizard fight, gotta love it. We're just lucky one didnt come back to the city and rise out of the canal and lay waste to the lower ward.

Emryuk Cruzel, you bastard! Miss me off the list, will you?

Our relationship is over.

I expect the divorce papers through soon.


you clearly don't know how to read.

You are on the list.

But fine emryuk. It s over.

We should see other people.

No the greatest love story ever.

Great character and great fun!!