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William Donrick

Well. A rather.. explosive finish, to one of my favourite characters. The ride from rise to fall was exciting and I have a lot of people to thank for this! Too many to list, even! So... Thanks to the DM team, especially wcsherry, for helping me with my character! Thanks to all the voters who decided Donrick was the man for them. Thanks to the Councilors who he served alongside, it was fun. Final thanks to the player of Ilis Whitewell, William Donrick's love interest and the love of my life.

Here are a number of screenies I took, feel free to add your own!

Guests arrive...

Some of the greatest names in Sanctuary...

Festivities begin...

Some people enjoy it more than others...

The unveiling arrives...

Things start going wrong...

Ending in a vicious explosion...

Some other Donrick screenies below!

Thanks again for the ride! Peace out!

Wow....ALlivarn is now a (spoiler)

You did it again, Halfbrood. Another excellent, memorable character.



Seriously, Donrick was great fun, and a consumate politician. I can't wait to see what you do next!



nah, he was srsly kewl n all but I don't believe I ever had the pleasure of meeting him more than once or twice. A shame, considering the praise you're getting here. Good job impressing all these people, though!

Only spoke to him on a few occasions Kyle liked what he saw espically with Illis who i hope is still alive. There goes the plan Kyle had.

Sweet character, dawg. He rolled deep.

Only shot I could grab was the aftermath

Holding the line while waiting for Reinforcements

Awesome char, Halfie. Sorry it didn't work out.

Since I missed the event due to having a "job", all of this makes me very very sad.

Looks like fun all of the way.

It's always sad when you lose a great antagonist and you didn't do them in yourself.

Damn. I was convinced he would give a large donation to the School if Frank could've just caught him IG after my return... Nice as always.

What i like is that in two of the pictures as well, you can't see Kyle's name but his bald head shines out like a torch :P

I think I only ever talked to him once, but I still heard and saw a lot about him.

Great character.

Eugh. Terrible characterization, terrible player.

Please leave.

:shock: I did not know that Donrick was you , Halfbrood.

Brilliant, by the way!

I had plans for Donrick! Alas the focus will have to turn somewhere else.. :roll:

Breena is very sad now. She and Donrick had a wonderful relationship. Such good soup!

The last Councilor that supported the Shelter is gone now. Pepto, Sunellar, Leonard and now William.

Great character halfbrood. Outstanding RP, as always.

By the way, I started playing Beethoven's 7th on my stereo at the start of the ball, and things started going wrong just in time for the second movement.

In my little corner of the world, Donrick's finale was set to this music.

Beethoven is so perfect for Sanctuary.

Ahh Bethoven how i love the Ninth sympony it is goregousness and gorgesity made flesh (sorry had to through in a Clockwork Orange reference :P)

I have to agree with Dangerous D [DM].

I was at the part marked by 1:30 on that YouTube video just as the device was being unveiled, and around 6:00 when Very Bad Things started happening.

If you were there, listen for yourself and tell me if that wasn't a perfect fit for the ultraviolence.

We do love us some of the old ultraviolence.


One of the most fun events I have taken part in so far. Being so involved in the battle and the resulting role play was excellent.

Thanks Sherry, and to all PCs involved.

And kudos to a very good character. We didn't interact much but the only times we did, it ended up with me wanting to hit him.

Looking forward to your next, Halfbrood.

Morbid Dread By the way, I started playing Beethoven's 7th on my stereo at the start of the ball, and things started going wrong just in time for the second movement.

In my little corner of the world, Donrick's finale was set to this music.

Beethoven is so perfect for Sanctuary.

I hold you solely accountable for the fact that after clicking that link I just went and purchased a 37$ album comprising Beethoven's 9 symphonies as played by the Philadelphia Orchestra. 40 songs. 7 hours of music. It's your fault.

Oh. And, I guess Donrick is cool, too, or something.

Probably the best PC to grace EFU since Private Hammersmith or Seeker Mason.

Needed a bit more Harrison Barlow-style grit, but was otherwise palatble.