How many times must I state that I desire peaceful resolution? I have time and time again made this approach.
I have raised no blades against Lowersmen. I have also never raised blades against Uppersmen, for doing so would provoke further Spellguard, Watch, and Upper attacks on the Lowers. This is common sense. Again, you prove ignorance. Even if you, for some incredulous reason, believe the mad halfling Plopibliop or however it is spelled a Lowersman, you are sorely mistaken. Also, that would be one. Not plural. One.
My actions have spoken for themselves, and not the actions you spread that I do, but my true actions. Lower knows who I am, what I have done. In your reckless malice against the Uppers, you blindly align me with them and assume lies to be real, believing what you wish in order to provoke more bloodshed. To what end? What is your motivation? Do you believe killing, or supporting the killing of, a Councilor will bring you more freedom? Will it do anything to help Lower Sanctuary?
The answer is clear. Lower wants peace. Upper wants dominance. Only in keeping our identity can we remain autonomous and free.
Peace is our solution. Let Upper have its broken laws, its bloody politics, its heartless "nobles".
Lastly, even the Spellguard can be as invisible a presence as you. In fact, they are quite good at it, being arcanists and all. You should act more befitting a true Lowersman (or men, as you allegedly are). Speak out your words with an open face if you are so strong in your convictions that I am so terrible a man.
((I think this is starting to get silly. This should be done IG, if it's going to be this drawn out of an argument! Let's try to handle it there. I'll be out of town for the weekend, so let's shoot for Sunday evening. Post a reply to this if you wish, but I'm cutting out from this after this post.))