Home > Lower Sanctuary

Westmore, the Trator.

*In a sharp, curved font, posted various places around lower*

Lucius Westmore is now revealed. He is a blatant spellguard associate and a traitor. Look how they endorse him, and how they have posted -in lower-. Lower, Know the threat that he poses. A spellguard associate in not red, but silver. If you see this man, Then treat him as you would a watchman. Do not let the spellguard slip in quietly and take us.

Make the spelltyrants know that lower will not fall.

*A simple symbol of two black horns is at the bottom*

Spelltyrants will be met with brave, free men!

Their vile spells will never control our free-thinking minds!

One-eyed Marcov, Ubel's Visionary SEWER TOWN

This is absurd. I do not support the Spellguard, and they are free to choose what they believe as well.

I have constantly and consistantly worked against their efforts in Lower. History shows that you are wrong, anonymous. In fact, I have in the past not only worked against Watch presence and Spellguard presence in Lower, but worked alongside James Lysik for a better Lower, for freedom- and it was with me whom he confided with in his last moments. Witnesses were there, the truth is known. I have no fear of this slander.

Anonymous, I wish I could give you the answer you seek. Your actions with this note show that you fear something, but I do not know precisely what that is. Do you fear the Watch's, Spellguard's, and Upper's return to Lower? I have continually worked against that, albeit through my own peaceful negotiations. If you wish the same goal as I, then I shall surely look forward to meeting you in person sometime soon.

As a final note, and something I had wished to be left unsaid and understood (apparently, I was wrong here) was that the Guardians will serve Lower alone, not Sanctuary as a whole for they already have their soldiers and men. Should any invading force attempt to take what belongs to our home, the Guardians would be the ones to stop it, whatever ill-intended force that may be.

Have a pleasant dark.

*A man in a black skull helm looks at Westmore's public response for a second, the posts a second poster*

Then why, exactly, do the spellguard support him, one must ask, if he Stands with lower? While despicable, the spellguard are not stupid, nor have a tendency to give support to non-allies.

And as for his negotiations, Do you really think upper will honor words? Only steel blocks blades and spells. Not words.

Either he is very naive, misguided, or a spellguard supporter.

I hope he is willing to prove his allegiance with something more then words.

Untill then, my statements stand.

*2 black horns*

*A passing dwarf pees on the traitor's reply after reading it*

-- Ask for a DM if there is any confusion here. Please do not respond OOC'ly in the future to these.

[Tattered notices are placed up around Lower Sanctuary]

Well, I'll tell you true, I will. I'm sure you've all heard of my bold mugging of that rat, Deepingdale right in the market of Upper Sanctuary! Went off without a hitch except for one man butting in where he was not wanted or needed. Deepingdale's closest old chum, Lucious Westmore. Ilmater? Ilmater my ass. He attacked me. Summoned hammers down from the gods. He should've just remained neutral, and not gone out of his way to break the law, and attack me. Heck, he did more to protect the councilor then the two Watchman chasing me. Should we call him UPPER PROTECTOR WESTMORE?

Hey, Westmore, you've got a problem with me? You had best speak it to my face and not go backstabbing me with my enemies. You've got a lot of explaining to do as to why you're so buddy buddy with the men in black and red. Spellguard supports you? I can see why. Deepingdale robbed a mate of mine in the mines, and for you to butt in on justice, well, let's just say you'd best seek me out before I seek you out. One way or another I'll be seeing you because you've gone and made me very angry, Westmore.



Your actions have brought the Uppersmen down to Lower Sanctuary. You have USED my fellow Lowersmen as a shield.

Lower Sanctuary will NOT be held responsible for the brigand actions of you, or your remaining drow companion.

I know who you serve, little one. It is you who serves the Uppers, not I.

I would suggest you not drag your quarrel to us. Lower knows what has happened, and many know who you truly serve.

Macasta. Thorn.

Take your troubles away from Lower, and she will not trouble you.

[In a sharp, curved font]

This has gone too far. I wish to speak with both of you, at the same time. Tie your weapons with a white cord, there will be no bloodshed at this meeting. We will figure this out once and for all. You may both bring body guards if you must, but their weapons must be tied likewise. Let us see if we cannot avoid the bloodshed of the innocents of lower. Meet me in the crone, this will be done publically in their meeting room.

*two black horns*

//If you guys accept, what would be a reasonable time?

*attached to the bottom*

Use your brains in the name of the gods. Why would the spellguard openly name a man they claim to hate as working for them?

They're (they are) doing it so people with more muscle than brains will jump to the same conclusions that you people are jumping to. So either the spellguard have become extremely stupid or them/another group are trying to set Lucius up because there afraid that he might actually be doing a good job for the people of lower.

Oh and Plopilibop aren't you the one that has been randomly ambushing people these last few Darks?

A literate beggar passes by and scoffs, fixing several words spelled incorrectly.

This dirty notice is posted atop all the others, by a ragged looking man covered in the filth of the Sewers.

There was once a time when the Children of Freedom were united. Yet, notices such as these show discord is rife in the ranks of our brethren!

Do not be swayed by the lies of the Spelltyrant scum. They try to turn us on ourselves, do not give in to their feeble attempts at causing in-fighting.

Stand strong, feel the strength of Ubel within your hearts, children. Only as one will we be strong enough to defend ourselves against their attempts to shackle us once more!

Give praise to Ubel! To Freedom! One-eyed Marcov, Ubel's Visionary SEWER TOWN

[All Previous posters are no longer refreshed]

People of lower: Your pleas are heard and your verdict made clear.

Westmore will be expelled from lower should he be seen by a black horn. He is no longer one of us, and I urge you to do the same should you see him.

Anonymous, who are you to speak for Lower? There has been no resounding call against me-- it is merely fabricated by you. Even those who are radically different than myself, Winston, Clarion, the Bloody Barrels, the Seekers that remain... none of them have any faith in your spreaded lies.

My fellow Lowersmen, do not let Cyric win a second victory. I trust you all to know the truth, that I stand for Lord Ilmater and then for you. I am but the servant of peace.

Who should so radically oppose the efforts of peace? Who should oppose my attempts to preserve our freedom and independence from Upper dominance? My friends and fellows, give no heed to these anonymous oppressors.

Westmore may be a bit oafish at times, but he is no man of Upper. That Upper would encroach upon him and seek to make him a tool of their oppression is clear - they would do this to us all.

We must remain vigilant.

Continue this in person. I call for the Black Horns to meet, and any others whose thoughts are in this long drivel, so that we can discuss how we can all aid Lower together.

Long rants on paper are not the answer. I thought so, too, but only talk truly solves problems.

Meet face to face, or be laughed at.

Stop grasping at straws to call each other names, and let us sit down and work this out together. If all here truly stand for Lower, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Because some idiot agent took five minutes of his day to write a poster saying "WE LOVE WESTMORE" now you all must act like imbeciles?

I think not.

Meet, or stop.

I'm available any time.

Lower is where I'll be.


*Sharp, curved font* Funny, Westmore found himself a Girl, Did he? Anyway, are you Dolts really incapable of research? We are not a single person, nor a moron who calls him or herself "we". If you wish to speak with one of us, however, then leave a letter in the crone with where and when you can be found.

We continue to have only one simple request to end this debate, Westmore. Prove yourself through action, any spellguard can talk pretty. Stop attacking Lowersmen, and start fighting uppersman. You claim to stand with lower, but the only ones you draw a blade upon are us. Prove that you will stand with lower.

We are, as always, eagerly awaiting your response.

*Black Horns symbol*

How many times must I state that I desire peaceful resolution? I have time and time again made this approach.

I have raised no blades against Lowersmen. I have also never raised blades against Uppersmen, for doing so would provoke further Spellguard, Watch, and Upper attacks on the Lowers. This is common sense. Again, you prove ignorance. Even if you, for some incredulous reason, believe the mad halfling Plopibliop or however it is spelled a Lowersman, you are sorely mistaken. Also, that would be one. Not plural. One.

My actions have spoken for themselves, and not the actions you spread that I do, but my true actions. Lower knows who I am, what I have done. In your reckless malice against the Uppers, you blindly align me with them and assume lies to be real, believing what you wish in order to provoke more bloodshed. To what end? What is your motivation? Do you believe killing, or supporting the killing of, a Councilor will bring you more freedom? Will it do anything to help Lower Sanctuary?

The answer is clear. Lower wants peace. Upper wants dominance. Only in keeping our identity can we remain autonomous and free.

Peace is our solution. Let Upper have its broken laws, its bloody politics, its heartless "nobles".

Lastly, even the Spellguard can be as invisible a presence as you. In fact, they are quite good at it, being arcanists and all. You should act more befitting a true Lowersman (or men, as you allegedly are). Speak out your words with an open face if you are so strong in your convictions that I am so terrible a man.


((I think this is starting to get silly. This should be done IG, if it's going to be this drawn out of an argument! Let's try to handle it there. I'll be out of town for the weekend, so let's shoot for Sunday evening. Post a reply to this if you wish, but I'm cutting out from this after this post.))

[No further poster is posted]

((Sunday is good. I think our play times don't sync too well, so finishing it up on a weekend when we both are on is likely a good idea.))