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[these are put up in Upper near the Last Stand, Town Hall and Bazaar as well as around Lower, near the Beacon, stairs and Pissing Crone by a striking elven woman with silver hair and armor]


They walk among us now, openly! They laugh at us and plot our downfall!

They have no pity, they are cruel and ruthless. They will only bring death to us all, and their presence is an offence to all good folk.

Do not accept these filth! Strike them down if you can! Let no drow walk the streets of this town unopposed. Let no drow sit in our inns in safety! Remove these vile creatures from our midst before they bring doom to us all!

[at the bottom is a symbol of a broken arrow over a teardrop]

[further notes are strewn about in Lower near the stairs and Crone, and in Upper near Town Hall and the Last Stand, again by a scowling elf woman with silver hair and armor]

Many fear the dark demon drow, and rightly so. Many fear to oppose them openly, which is understandable.

Yet you can still fight them! Information is power, and information will help remove these dread enemies. If you have information on drow, you can still strike a blow and send it to the Broken Arrow at the Last Stand or Pissing Crone.

[a satisfied and smug looking elf woman with silver hair wanders about Upper and Lower, placing new notes near many of her existing ones]

One of the drow has fallen!

Sanctuary shows it will not tolerate the stench of these evil creatures, but there are more! And those the protect and help them!

Remain vigilant! Shevarash blesses those that destroy our greatest foes!

-Dark Avenger Calaenen

[a mailed elf woman with striking silver hair is seen checking and tidying any notices that may have fallen or been defaced]