*written in a curved, sharp script* People of lower. Long have we stood, oppressed by upper. But now they hold all sides of us. They stand to take back lower, and fill it with their laws and their guardians. They will kill our hero’s, punish us for surviving.
The Ways we have used in the past cannot defeat upper. They outnumber and out power us. Bombing them, bashing against their gates, these will never work. And their Cold laws will do nothing either, no matter how they are weaved. We cannot fight by any methods before tried. If you truly love lower. If you will fight, to the death, and wish you could fight some more. If you wish to stand over lower, -all of lower-, and know that upper can no longer stand against us. Leave your name here, and we will find you.
*A simple symbol of 2 black horns is at the bottom*