2008-02-25 16:53:41 UTC
I see by your notices that we have perhaps mutually beneficial services to offer one another.
I am always in need of new allies and contracts - however I will note that I am not going to be killing anyone in Lower Sanctuary, unless I deem them to be so powerful that they are tests sent before me by Selvetarm.
All said and done, if there are any other contacts you'd like me to personally look into, you may seek me out as an ally in the Crone.
2008-02-25 18:12:13 UTC
The Drow-uth,
Your letter does please,
A goblin of the likes of me-se.
For you see, You musn't slay them in lower'n,
Simply where I my presence is allowed to be known,
Find them in the streets of upper if such pleases you,
And you may have the coins, Master U.
The Halfling Drin is a stalwalt master of the Blade,
His flesh and blood a fine lemonade
Seek him where you will and deliver the skull,
And Five Thousand coins the reward for his life being null.
The Halfling Rabbit is a nuisance at most,
Perhaps below one of your prestigious post,
However the Surface Elf, I am sure you'd agree,
I imagine you would slay him for free.
So in return, I'll pay you a small fee.
The prospect of meeting one of your ilk,
Sadly makes my bladder leak like milk.
To be in your presence would be quite scary,
However should you have Drin's head then I shall endur-ery.
Should our business go well, then perhaps we can see.
What business can be done, between you and me.
Rhymin' Simin the Bardistic Gob-lin
2008-02-27 21:00:51 UTC
I mean not to bost, But i've a bounty you should enjoy most.
In small, neat handwriting.The sum of five thousand gold pieces is guaranteed for any who offers up the corpse of the Sanctuary Watch Private known as Alyssara Nil'vara.
All arrangements will be made through Losil Mur.
While in Fort Mur, Imagine my Suprise
When this lovely little notice did catch my eye
An Elf woman of the Surface, Most skilled in the Arcane
A bounty from the Drow of Mur with the long darkened mane.
I will tell you this, I say this right now-
I shall Double the bounty, and this is how-
Slay the elf, bring me the head,
And Five Thousand gold of mine, and Five Thousand of the duergar, Why TEN THOUSAND GOLD! is the price if she dead.
You may keep the skull,
I find such trophies dull,
So in return you may claim the bounty of the woman Mur,
A win win, if I do say so sir.
A surface elf of the fifth Circle Magic, Imagine the Thrill!
To test such your blade against a woman of such skill!
I look forward to hearing the news,
Leave word when you have it of where not even the Spellguard wipe their shews.
Rimin Simin the Bardastic Gob-lin
2008-02-27 21:07:51 UTC
Though I doubt you have the coin, you are lucky I consider this to be good sport.