Oh my, Oh Me, When will they see? They were fools to ever cross me!
The blades shall ebb and flow, like their blood, as it does go. If only their fate, They did Know!
All things happen in Threes, Only then will the bloodlust appease, For I shall have their skulls for seven thousand Shineez!
Riddle me this, You wonderful paper. Why, Who could pull off such a wonderful caper. Fool!, I will shout As their blood does spout.
Two Hin and an Elf, Walk into a Bar. Then they get bolts in their neck from afar.
An elf and To Rats, the City of Cats, Life shall be swell Once they sit in hell.
T'was I! Rhymin' Simin', the Bardistic Gob-lin'! That disposed of the dirty elf and the Child like-Hin! T'was I! Rhymin' Simin', the Bardistic Gob-lin'! That despoed of the New Dunwarren.
The ladies will flock, but be in for a shock, Never have they seen a goblin so fine Produce epic, nay legendary, wonderful rhyme.