[A small note is tacked up in the alley behind the crone, in horribly sloppy handwriting near waist-level on a human]
The folly of Leadership, By Rhymin' Simin', The Bardistic Gob-lin
New Dunwarren Drin, That Rambunctious Hin, Leader by Defaul', All others did fall, Always helping those in need, Though his district did seceded, New Dunwarren Drin, That Ramunctious Hin,
What power does he hold, What- you've not been told? Why they came back to our city, that they claimed so shitty, Yet here he stands so proud with blade in hand, proud savior and leader of his land, New Dunwarren Drin, That Rambunctious Hin,
Don't you find it Ironic, the Symbol Iconic? A man who claims power, yet what does he rule now-er? New Dunwarren is Upper, Its Guard dogs eat the Watch's supper. New Dunwarren Drin, That rambunctious Hin,
Akin to a man claiming the Residential Distrcit, that silly Hin, He rules a land that the council does rule, The poor deluded fool He serves no purpose, his position worthless, New Dunwarren Drin, that Rambunctious Hin,
No Power, No Men, Yet looks down on us all. Where will we be, when this hero does fall? Why, Smiling, my dear frien', Until his very en'. For New Dunwarren Drin, That Rambunctious Hin,
Has a price on his head.
To the crone send word, when justice is served Bring the trophy, and coin you'll see.