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Fetch - Action Man

Right, so. There's an end for everything.

I think this hardcore little mercenary of mine lasted for almost an entire three months, which is quite long for being me. In that time I got to kill a lot of things, do a lot of plotting and just basically have a load of fun.

Much cudos to Colonel Misery, his crew, the Lower goons, Team Law and everyone else I got the chance to interact with. You know who you are, and you made these months rocking for me.

So anyway, here's some screens even though there's already a similar thread. I must've had over a hundred screenshots to choose from, but in the end I couldn't bother with more than these. :P

The hawt Action Man fights.

Then some quality time at the Crone.

Before he decided he wanted to hang out with Tempus.

And.. Uh.. This is just because I like it.

Well done.


Fetch was awesome! I'm glad to see you got good ending for him.

Much better than dying to a skull spider, IMO.

Or to a pissed-off Watchman. <.<

- Ze Cadmon Spiff. Kudos.

Well played!

Cool character. Always fun.

Lower 4 life!!!! Well played, still not sure how you escaped the pissed off watchemen.. :evil:



Still think he got caught a few days too early, though.

Well done, Canzah. Nothing short of epic.

Well done. I'm really glad you didn't kill Aurin the day of the Canal battle!

He never did get to write his book..

Spaceman Spiff, imo.

Fetch was fun. I didn't play with him all that much, but I was there for a little bit of the epicness.

Spiff! Kind of like... whiff! Kind of like that time he got in a fistfight with a deep hound and got beat in front of some kobolds who were laughing at him!

Then he went on to fight dragons and assault Ysinode. Crazy sonuvabitch! Well played, sirrah.

Was always a blast to have Mr. Fetch hanging around.

I just never understood, why, with such a cool actual name for the character you used an alias and went by Fetch all the time.

Good character, though I am sad to see him go as we had unfinished business to attend to.