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Aleczumberzeil te Esoterotept [*Updated*]

My character, Aleczumberzeil te Esoterotept, known by some as the Scholar, probably won't be seen in Sanctuary again, so I think it's safe to put up some screenshots for those who'd like to see them.

The best thing about being Thomas's Alqvin disciple was getting to use his organ in the back.

Contrary to common belief, Aleczumberzeil didn't kill Elia. But he did dispose of her remains.

Here is a little encounter with a really cool knight, Leonard Merrickson!

And here is a little encounter with a really cool drow. And Alecz trying to play the hero for the people of Lower. She got cooked up.

Pesky Spellguard Associates that walk around in Lower, thinking a little mind blank is all they need to threaten and mock safely.

Here is a shot of Pearce's epic duel to get his weaponmaster powers.

Thomas was helpful to have around at times like these, when things didn't quite go right.

Going to Adun'ibus was always a fun time.

The Books of Po became something of an obsession for Aleczumberzeil. But it did pay off. Aleczumberzeil and company in the sand caverns, tracking down one of the tomes. Here is Alecz headed to Cathedral Jhael'nyir in hopes of picking up one of the last one. At last, the Sanctum of Po Group shot. Alecz legitimately tried to share knowledge. Rest for the weary. Alecz even got a chance to speak with Po himself. After nearly dying to his tigers.

Reactivating ancient Netherese mythallars is never a simple matter. It helps to be able to summon up ancient Netherese mummies, though, for when the going gets really tough. Aleczumberzeil was something of a deluded dreamer.

Most of Alecz's accomplishments required the cooperation of greater powers.

Alecz was very sad to say goodbye to Thomas. But not as sad as his mummy. A kiss for courage.

Here is Aleczumberzeil and a few of his living and unliving pals (at least, they say they're pals) about to go attack Ysinode. Just a quick battle shot somewhere in the bowels of Ysinode. It wasn't a particularly comfortable place to be. Curiouser and curiouser. The cavalry arrives! One of Aleczumberzeil's final moments, before fleeing to the outer planes. Further adventures await.

The compulsory brooding-villain shot. This was taken when Aleczumberzeil's skin got partially replaced with undead tissue, making him even more hideous than before.

This character was created on Sunday, October 28th at 11:01:50 AM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 175 times. The character has spent 10 days 2 hours 14 minutes and 18 seconds online.

Although Aleczumberzeil te Esoterotept isn't -quite- finished, it has certainly been a lot of fun playing him so far. These screenshots are totally inadequate for all the fun stuff he got involved in.

I'm very appreciative and humbled by the interest other players and Dms took in my character, and I hope he was fun to have around for other players. I'd really like to thank everybody, but that would be too long a list. You know who you are.


Some more screenshot's from Aleczumberzeil's last quest.

Escaping from Ysinode into the Outer Planes.

You meet some very strange creatures out there.

And visit some very interesting places. This planar tavern was filled with all sorts of interesting creatures, including debating angels/devils and a philosophical gnome.

After various adventures, they manage to make their way to a paradise of sorts. But they don't remain.

A very complicated number puzzle!

Followed by a really amazing puzzle, pitting everyone left alive against each other.

Aleczumberzeil's treasured skull. Maybe it'd be useful for a spirit?

He makes the pitch.

Things happen, old friends show up.

Of course, they're just on to more strangeness. Including a very fierce balor who doesn't seem interested in cooperating.

He was a tough one.

Alecz had to pick up poor Sigmund's axe to finish the job.

On to more strangeness! Truly, an epic quest. A motley crew is assembled.

And they finally find themselves in Sigil, the end of any self-respecting planar journey. An eternity of knowledge awaits!

That's it for Aleczumberzeil te Esoterotept. Thanks to DangerousDan and the other Dms for letting him go out with a bang. Truly an epic voyage.

So cool.

That is.... jaw-droppingly awesome. Colonel Misery. You are my new hero!

There's not alot I can say, other than one simple word.


Well done with the character. I never once quested with him or even really spoke to him at all.

But he was a well revered character.

I had so little to do with him, which saddens me.

But the impact he made on the world and the characters living in it, is just inspiring. Awesome, completely awesome.


Applause! Brilliantly done.

:wink: Was a nice walk on the dark side for all of us, even if it was not what Alec intended

I still can't decide if meeting Aleczumberzeil was the best or the worst thing that ever happened to Ingrid, but I wish I had more time to find out.

Great job with this character, just seeing him online made me want to log in and play.

Awesome just got itself a new definition.

Fun character, great screenshots. : D

Aleczumberzeil inspired me and gave me a reason to enjoy EfU once more, and for that, I can't thank you enough. Pure awesome all the way man.

Aleczumberzeil was one of the first characters to involve me in anything big, so I owe a lot to you. I also remember how fun it was just to hear people talk about him. He inspired such fear in those who had never met him, and was always well-played and fun to be around.

Fantastic screenies. I love the organ! :D

:shock: I'm sad I was offline for most of Scholar's rise. Truly fantastic.

I had a total blast during this whole thing. I was so close to making it, like... seconds!

[shakes a fist at Dan]

I am glad Mister Ahed was there at the very beginning, gutted that he wasn't there at the end! Great character, the epitome of what the DMs are looking for in PCs!

Excellent character. Its only a shame that I had so very little direct interaction with him. However by his deeds and speeches he did make a great indirect impact to council and others. Great character that had a lot of depth to him, and had a lot of shades of grey if you will.

Weee. I had no doubt when I first met Alecz or started to hear about his nefarious undead powers that he would have an awesome run.


Amazing character, congratulations!

A truly remarkable character that made one hell of an impact on the EfU world.

Unfortunately, I only got to interact with him once... which resulted in me getting my ass kicked, but it was great fun and the roleplay was brilliant.

Have a cookie.

The Hook

A Damn Shame Misguided Brutes Lord Johnson

On Your Knees, Cur!

What Have You Done?


This was so much fun. Apologies for not being able to portray the scope of that battle with the paladin order. I was busy frothing at the mouth at the mass slaughter.

Epic. I hate to see such a great villain go!

Oh, and thanks for letting my character keep his eye.

It makes me smile to think that I was invited to a public discourse by an amiable grey-haired man with a strange name, who had recently arrived in Sanctuary. Three people showed up, agreeing to listen to him.

Interesting topic he discussed in the comfort of the Last Stand - on negative energies and the Dunwarren Machine; that I never quite believed, and blew off as the ravings of another mad tinkerer and explorer.

And then I hear about a Bounty on his head. And all the Scholar's friends and associates. Who to believe? Who to trust? Dead Seekers. And then the open letter about the assault on Ysinode.

Just shows me, yet again, you never really do know who you might be RPing with. Never dismiss anyone ;)

I am humbled - great, great character.

Its like when you look at the player list and try to read that long ass name of his you feel kinda committed to log in, because you know, you just know, that something brilliantly entertaining is bound to happen when that guy is around.

It was really fun for us that ran with you, and it was most likely equally fun for the the folks that attempted to catch you. You made a lot of really cool stuff happen, with lots of help from a really supportive DM team, and thats why Alecz created some of the most memorable times in EfU history, in my opinion.

FUN times.


Thanks for the awesome screenies.

Indescribably, unfathomably full of awesome.

The scholar and company were great aside from the continual frustration of never being logged on when they were . . .

Not sure of the name anymore, but the Scholars sidekick (played by blackmumbaescape) was a very interesting character, as well.

Some more screenshot's from Aleczumberzeil's last quest.

Escaping from Ysinode into the Outer Planes.

You meet some very strange creatures out there.

And visit some very interesting places. This planar tavern was filled with all sorts of interesting creatures, including debating angels/devils and a philosophical gnome.

After various adventures, they manage to make their way to a paradise of sorts. But they don't remain.

A very complicated number puzzle!

Followed by a really amazing puzzle, pitting everyone left alive against each other.

Aleczumberzeil's treasured skull. Maybe it'd be useful for a spirit?

He makes the pitch.

Things happen, old friends show up.

Of course, they're just on to more strangeness. Including a very fierce balor who doesn't seem interested in cooperating.

He was a tough one.

Alecz had to pick up poor Sigmund's axe to finish the job.

On to more strangeness! Truly, an epic quest. A motley crew is assembled.

And they finally find themselves in Sigil, the end of any self-respecting planar journey. An eternity of knowledge awaits!

That's it for Aleczumberzeil te Esoterotept. Thanks to DangerousDan and the other Dms for letting him go out with a bang. Truly an epic voyage.

My pathetic jealousy of other players mounts. You have truly captured that intangible thing called the "awesome".

Wow. Escaping by itself pretty damn awesome. Escaping to Sigil is just...

Pray to the *Lady of Pain and she will kill you,



Sigil? PFF. Surface or bust.

I vote no statue!

In all seriousness - The server is sad to see you go. Now these damn people think they can do whatever they want!

Awesome! Can't wait to see your statue among the victorious.

An awesome end to an awesome character.

I'd like to sing with the choir and chime in.

While my time with The Scholar was cut quite short, I will say that I never had as good a time with someone as with him. That's not just him of course; all his disciples added a lot, especially when that excellent and blood-lusty Drow showed up.

The Scholar and his crew have inspired me in more than one way, looking back, and I will treasure the time I got to spend with you guys - you know who you are.

Let's all try hard and make more characters like that, involving others and just generally have a damn good time together!

Is this thread necromancy or a necromancy thread?


Apologies, I missed the thread earlier.