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Wyric Crowshire: Reply to Deepingdale

The Speech was once again held at Last Stand for a small crowd of people who answered to the sending. Deepingdale himself was present with a ready worded halfling refeared as "Sig".

The speech:


We all do love fairy tales, but it does upset us when our intelligence is insulted and we are asked to believe them. It seems that Andrew Deepingdale has once again shown who is the truly the most obsessed and unstable one. In response of my speech about my concerns of having city funded trading with the slavers of fort Mur, he makes this personal attack against me, which you possibly did hear or read about.

This Deepingdale has talent of spinning tales that have no real bearing to the truth. Good example is how he likes to twist the facts is about the attack on our own city. It was Frum Highill who donated part of his own fortune to fund the defence for this city when the drow attacked, and Deepingdale dares to say we got nothing in return? The drow were defeated, killed, utterly destroyed.

I also do not know why Deepingdale wishes to tarnish the reputation of dragon Etorix, who has fought for this city number of times. He fought forminains too, but not at our gates as we are all aware.

Rest of his tale is equally nonsense. Instead of claiming anything without verifiable facts, I encourage you to ask traders like Fireheart, Dakul and associates of late and great Frum what is the truth. I have been driving force of improving the trade, and my office has always been open for ideas to expand it.

Of course you can take my word or word of a man who was not been there, and has not fought any single danger that our city has faced. I have personally faced Lizardmen, the Drow, the Forminians and I have lived in this town when the great plague killed many of our citizens. I have stood by this city, while the vipers only seek to poison this work and destroy our unity. I ask you, what does this man Deepingdale truly stands for?

After the speech Deepingdale did try to challenge Wyric to duel, and argued against the points presented. Wyric declined, saying he did not see the violence being answer to political debates. The halfling with Deepingdale yelled Wyric for a coward, but the crowd seemed mostly be on Wyric's side.

The arguing lead to Kyle Fox challenging the Deepingdale at Arena, where Deepingdale did beat him. Following arguments lead Sig and man named Calrind fight to death in a duel. Halfling named Sig was victorious and Calrind's dead body was burned according to his last wish.

A marginal crowd turned out for round three of the debates, but those in attendance were overwhelmingly in agreement with Councilor Crowshire on the matter.