Winston Martin
2008-02-15 17:43:03 UTC
A letter is left in the Crone for Celeste Macasta.
Dame Macasta,
Cyril Rossetti has asked me to deliver a poem to you. Leave me the appropriate details that I may fulfill his request. Additionally should you have any questions for me, I will do my best to answer them.
I have the honor to sign myself,
Albrect von Asch
Private, Sanctuary Watch
2008-02-15 21:01:41 UTC
The letter is never picked up.
Winston Martin
2008-02-15 23:41:18 UTC
Letters make their way to the Siren, Blue Mushroom, Sleeping Pyrimo, Fort Mur, and Loblobliiiblop. The message is the same.
2008-02-16 00:37:36 UTC
Von Asch,
Leave whatever messages you want.
I may or may not read them.
Ta ta.