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I'm new. I was told new people post here. I enjoy long walks on the beach, disceting teddy bears, setting things on fire, standing around in cemetaries... And that's about it, really.

I haven't figured out what kind of character to play for a more... Lengthy amount of time than twenty minutes. So I'm totally open to suggestions! That is, assuming it isn't an application thing. Applications scare me. Like... Sheep. Sheep scare me. Totally. Those soft, fluffy bastards.

Now, if you will excuse me, the kind gentlemen in the white suits have come to escort me back to my chambers.

By the sound of it, you'll get along just fine with at least the lion share of our playerbase. If you have a passion for spanish pepper as well, you should seek out our spice expert Wiggyboy <3.

Welcome to EftU

IndelibleMemories you should seek out our spice expert Wiggyboy <3.

Diagnosis Like... Sheep. Sheep scare me.

I think that may be a stumbling block for their friendship =/

Welcome to EfU!

Welcome to the Underdark!

Indeed, welcome to the Underdark.... :twisted:

I like you already.

If you need help with a concept, feel free to drop me a PM on IRC - I have tons of Ideas, and as I'm currently playing 5 characts well, I dont want to see my other ideas go to waste ;D

Good God, this server multiplies like maggots! Bad example.

Diagnosis, we need to start a sheep-hating club. Something seriously deadly, maybe even worldwide. Yeah. I'm thinking we call it the National Sheep Haters... Mob. Or something. Anyhoo...

Welcome to EfU. Have you played NWN before, or are you a complete newblet like I was when I played Arabel? Because if you know a bit about the game, there are positions opening up in a little rebellion that might come about.

Enjoy your stay in the funny-farm we call EfU.

Hey there. I RP'd with you last night (as Drin), I'm looking forward to what you might bring to the server. And as always......

Welcome to the Underdark.

Welcome to the Underdark!


Welcome to EFU, I started playing here about 2 months ago. I'll share two things with you.

1. Kiss goodbye any illusions you had as far as if online gaming is addictive or not, you just logged into the heroine of the internet....

2. Don't get too upset when your first character, or second, or third, dies a horrible death and you lose tons of experience, etc. It happens. Alot. Just keep on going, stick to the concept of the character that you get excited about.

The D welcomes you to EFU.

Now get ready to let us BLOW YOUR MIND!




Hi, I met you IG about a week ago I think and we had a fun little RP exchange. Good to see you're sticking around. If you ever need a guide, you know who to come to. (Well, except for the part where school is cutting into my play time, but I should still be IG every once in a while).



Welcome to the Underdark, our motto, "If it moves, kill it, if it watches you, kill it, if it wishes to parlay, listen, then kill it!"