Home > Lower Sanctuary

[A wooden sign planted outside the Fortress]

[A wooden sign, made of finely polished Zurkwood, sits infront of the Old Tigereye Fortress, planted within the ground]

This place of filth is to be purged in the coming days.

From it, a new Lower shall be born.

Future Site of The Helmite Garrison and Barracks of Lower Sanctuary


-Master Guardian and Paladin Initiate Adept Asen, Servant of the Most Holy of Deities, Helm the Vigilant Watcher Marpenoth 30th, Year 152-1374 DR

[slight aesthetic changes are made to the sign]

Several Lowersmen wander to outside the Fortress, and mutter hushedly about the sign. One of them is heard mubmling quietly "But I -like- the filth." Eventually they grow bored, one of them knocks the sign over and they all migrate into the Crone.

[an imposing man in Blue and Copper is seen picking up the sign]