On the Sanctuary Watch and Spellguard presence:We came from above to share the security and unity of the Old Dunwarren to those who dwell below while doing our upmost to respect their wishes. It was the desire of the governing body of Upper Sanctuary for the Watch to grant protection over the Canal ward in order to help it flourish and grow after the waves of occupations by first, the barbarians and then, the Slugcrawl goblins.
We believed that what happened to the Mycopolan was tragic and that a greater force, composed of Orogs and Drow, was the main actor behind that massacre. To prevent this from ever happening, we fortified the Canal ward with brave men and women of the Sanctuary Watch who stay vigilant for any threat that may come from the passages surrounding the region. In doing so, we not only directly protect those of the Canal ward itself who accept, tolerate and appreciate our presence, but also we protect indirectly those of lower sanctuary without infringing their desire for individuality and freedom.
This protection that we give freely, remember it if you see radicalists willing to throw it away for grudges of the past, false ideals or false promises of grandeur. I implore you to remember it.
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On progress and the future of the District:The unison of the Canal-ward back with the city of Sanctuary is a great step toward progress and toward a better haven for all citizens of Sanctuary. The Sanctuary Watch understands that and is willing to promote the efforts from the community to help this district flourish and become an integral part of Sanctuary.
For this purpose, Lieutenant Agrael Lothor is issuing special incentives for leaders of companies, employment and marketing in the Canal-ward. These incentives will be given on the condition that canal-ward and even lower sanctuary citizens are given work that will help the Canal-ward to prosper and give employment to those who require it the most.
The renewable* sum of 500 gold coins will be handed to the employer(s) of a company, business or industry in the Canal-ward on the conditions that:
- They employ 5 citizens or more from the Canal-ward and/or Lower Sanctuary. - Their employees respect the law and guidelines set by Upper Sanctuary's Council. - The work of the said company, business or industry has been clearly demonstrated as positive for the wealth and health of the City. *The sum may be renewed following a specific timeline discussed in person with Lieutenant Lothor.
For interest in these bursaries of commerce, please contact Lieutenant Agrael Lothor at Port Center.
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On Boating and toward Navigation:It becomes clear to any of set eyes in the Canal that having a capable way to navigate on the Dark Lake will give the city of Sanctuary a tremendous advantage in both contacting more friendly settlement and possibly exploring ways to the surface.
For this purpose, the Sanctuary Watch strives day and night* toward achieving this goal and to promote it, Lieutenant Agrael Lothor will personally hand the sum of 5000 coins to -any- respectful and lawful Sanctuarian group who sails with a boat from the Canal-ward to the Dark Lake and back. Consider this a boon toward progress!
- Lieutenant Agrael Lothor.