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Frozen Cavern Quest

To be honest, actually, after having gone through it all IC, the single item reward forced me to come up with a more creative way to reward everyone and was equally as fun as the fight, so don't get rid of that part.

For the reward, I got perhaps the single best piece of armor I've ever seen in the game. Regrettably, I had a group of 6 people total, 4 of which were expecting treasure. I also got 5 potions, rare ones, which I could split, and about 50 coin.

One of us used 2 wands, a rare healing item, and various minor healing on me. He can't use armor. My answer was to buy the armor off the group and use the coin to give them their reward.

I understand that considering the type of quest it is, one excellent reward is probably a good idea, but at the same time, perhaps it would be a good idea to throw in some more minor items.

I'd like to chime in on this as well.

Considering the difficulty of this quest, despite it's simplistic nature, the single item approach seems a bit lopsided in the sense that was described above.

While, the one item that was given was truly amazing, some other smaller items should be given out for those who contributed, but were not able to be frontliners.

After having looked through the combat logs at the battle, without the mages, the bard and other support folks, the people doing the fighting wouldn't have lasted long at all. In fact, they likely would have died within the first few hits.

So a few vials to make up for the supplies used doesn't sound unreasonable. Mabye an item that is specific to one of the classes (wizard only rod, or a harp, or a ranger summoning thingy)

I may be wrong, but I believe that when I spoke to a DM the last time I did that quest that the reward had not be properly set for that quest yet. So yes, if it is being done a bit more it would probably be nice to see it a bit more even for the difficulty.

Reward wise, the quest is only worth the time and the risk for one person.

The fight was very long, it seemed as if it was at least ten minutes. The frontliner hit the monster for 20+ several times every few rounds, while the wizards cast spells at it, and the rest of the party fired arrows. It appeared as if had 500+ HP. As the fight dragged out for so long, an immense amount of resources had to be used. Wands, potions, scrolls, etc.

The reward was quite good, but like the others said, only one person profited from it. More generic loot would make things more interesting. It does not necessarily have to be anything valuable, rare, or powerful, merely something to make the quest worthwhile for anyone other than the one who will receive the armor. S

Scrolls, for example, that are marked as stolen so that they cannot be sold. That would be an excellent award for any wizards who will come along. Considering how important spells are in that quest, a wizard will most likely be there. Or arcane and divine healing wands, for both clerics and bard. Something in the like, that will make it worthwhile for the others.

Considering the level ranges, it is very easy, and probably too rewarding as it is.

ShiftingAllegiances I may be wrong, but I believe that when I spoke to a DM the last time I did that quest that the reward had not be properly set for that quest yet. So yes, if it is being done a bit more it would probably be nice to see it a bit more even for the difficulty.

The person that told you this was cawila, and he makes me go crazy when he does this!

lovethesuit To be honest, actually, after having gone through it all IC, the single item reward forced me to come up with a more creative way to reward everyone and was equally as fun as the fight, so don't get rid of that part.

For the reward, I got perhaps the single best piece of armor I've ever seen in the game. Regrettably, I had a group of 6 people total, 4 of which were expecting treasure. I also got 5 potions, rare ones, which I could split, and about 50 coin.

One of us used 2 wands, a rare healing item, and various minor healing on me. He can't use armor. My answer was to buy the armor off the group and use the coin to give them their reward.

I understand that considering the type of quest it is, one excellent reward is probably a good idea, but at the same time, perhaps it would be a good idea to throw in some more minor items.

It's just one monster. Lots of treasure for one monster. Not all quests are intended to reward with exactly what is used. Keep that in mind, folks.

Honestly, I sort of squealed a little when I saw the near 500 XP I got. I didn't mind cause of that.

No, I loved it too, and a lot of people profited from it because of how I split the loot. Still, I think just some minor color items would be nice. Something unique to the area, even if it ends up doing nothing more than a cantrip.

I agree with LTS's comment directly above this one. Themed trinkets would be nice. Like that other quest that has acid/slime themed loot.

The main prize here is definitely worth it to the tanks who take the brunt of the damage, but still, without the support cast, that tank likely wouldn't have lived long enough to see his/her prize.

Though, I'll admit, that if it's the first time you've ever done this quest, the exploration XP alone is worth the lack of reward. However, later visits aren't quite as rewarding.

Some minor , theme item would be interesting, yes. An item that lets you say,"I fought a big ass spoiler."

lovethesuit No, I loved it too, and a lot of people profited from it because of how I split the loot. Still, I think just some minor color items would be nice. Something unique to the area, even if it ends up doing nothing more than a cantrip.

Requiem Something that lets everyone know you fought a big ass spoiler...

A gnome selling t-shirts outside the area? <_<

Edited to remove spoilers

Edited to remove spoilers

Well, this quest has officially been spoilered off the face of the planet. Now all I need to do is gather Odysseus' crew and go after the icy fleece.

Don't sweat it. I change up my quests frequently.

A gnome selling t-shirts outside the area? <_<

Now we are getting somewhere. >_>

Can we have the scribe burn " I fought the.......... and won" in our armor?