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A letter to Allivern Fireheart left at the stand

Lord Fireheart

We have met only briefly in passing in your capacity as noble merchant, but I will introduce myself more formally here in. My name is Kaylee Kelm and i am a mage skilled in the arts of potion brewing. I write to you in regards to a buisness arrangement that you might wish to discuss. I would have planned to sell my potions to raise funds for increasing my spell books and tomes depth of material but i havnt a head for such things. What i offer is to craft these potions for yourself to sell at whatever mark up you migth see fit being as you have a reputation as a trusted merchant with an established client base. I ask in return a fair payment for shipments of potions that you believe will be of use to your customers so allowing both us to turn a health profit which i am sure is of great interest to you. I am currently resident in the Stand and should my offer interest you we can meet to discuss the particulars of the deal and formalise a product list.

Yours with kind regards Kaylee Kelm

I'll speak to you when I am available
