Home > Lower Sanctuary

The Underhood

Lower Sanctuary is a place, where despite its ruggedness, true strength drives through. Having growing up in this place some would consider a "Hell on Toril", I believe I am a stronger person for such, and believe we all indeed are such. Surviving in a region rife with conflict, gang warfare, pestilence, famine, and other various things that should, for all intents, destroy humans and others, We flourish.

Our reputation is that of an Aged Whore.

We may not be the prettiest girl in the bar, But we are effective, A bit crude (But everyone likes that now and again, even if they refuse it publicly), And we aren't afraid to speak our mind, stand up for what we believe in, Or cut down those who bring violence upon us.

It is that reputation, While Upper has the coin and luxury, It is we who continue to survive without their finesse.

Such, is the belief of "The Underhood".

Within the Depths, The Svirfneblin, Drow, and Duergar alike have all grown more powerful to fit their surroundings, and it is quite apparent in walking about lower that our life is vastly more akin to the underdark in which we live than those who dwell above us.

The Shrine of the Underhood, or "Underway" as labeled by a few locals, Is now opened.

Any and All men of Lower are welcomed to visit, discuss with our caretaker, Brother Kelter, and find out how they can enrich their life, the lives of their family, and the life of this survivalist region we dwell in.

The Underway is a public area of reflection and peace, as well as progressing the understanding that we are what we are, because of where we are, and are damn proud of such. We do not seek the Surface. We seek to thrive in the world that fate has brought us to, be it due to birth, slavery, or any other reasons that fate drew us within to this "Sanctuary".

We stand here, On the front line fight of humanity and other races for Survival, allowing other slaves and visitors to come in, make their selves at home, and enjoy our freedoms, and ask nothing in return except they are respectful, lack the arrogance of the common upperman, and aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.

Such is what the Underhood represents, and The Underway is a place of understanding truth, as well as a place of guidance and coping with the issues presented of constantly. Death, Famine, Fear. All surround us. Yet we remain.

Such is the way of the Underdark.

We are the Survivors of Underdark, The Bastian amidst chaos and fear.

Our cavern is always open for shelter, discussion, guidance, or aide in general. We are located beyond the Beacon, In the alley through the covered grate.

Simply stop by, or appointment can be made for more serious, long term assistance on issues.

The Underhood Motto

Together we can make Lower a brighter place, through understanding the darkened caverns, beasts, monsters, that surround us in the underdark, as well as Up Above, and the answers to questions that dwell within us all yearning to be solved.

-The Underhood

Now in hour our of strife,

Wisdom is needed more than ever.

War has brought the Spellguard and Upper to our Gates once more.

Seek Brother Kelter or Lucious Westmore to speak concerning a New Future for Lower.

Only through Peace, Leadership, and Wisdom can we bring Lower into a new age of Prosperity.

-Brother Kelter

A proposition:

I agree with what you stand for, I really do, peace is what I strive for... but not forced peace. The spellguard must be shown that we indeed are not afraid of getting our hands dirty. The time for resistance is ripe, and I would be honored if you would offer your assistance. Send me a letter in any of the following places, a man like myself must stay on the move you see:

Thomas's Shop The Goblin Bar Sewer Town

Thank you for reading this, even if your not interested, do send me your opinions, your wisdom would be appreciated.

- The Friendly Ghost