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Thee Animate dead Spell

Not sure if this has been done yet I read a post at one stage by snoteye regarding animating dead player bodies and the complexities that are involved. I wonder if those complexities could be reduced by simply allowing two simaltaneous actions to occur upon casting the spell upon a dead body.

(1) The Body is ressurrected (2) It has the effect of Dominate Monster placed upon it on a 24 hour period game time after which it would jump to the third step when the 24hrs has expired.

And if the animation should surcome to an ill fated demise ...

(3) Is dead once more ...as for the 24 hour thing it could be bound to the same step.

Perhaps ?

That would require completely redoing the Animate Dead script. I have absolutely no interest in that. It also is not really a desirable solution anyway, due to how it would work from a mechanics PoV.

Snoteye That would require completely redoing the Animate Dead script. I have absolutely no interest in that. It also is not really a desirable solution anyway, due to how it would work from a mechanics PoV.

Fair enough.