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I am currently playing a character who much prefers to haunt the wild tunnels and mines alone, killing those who tresspass on his lands. Now, he spends a great deal of time surviving, and a good deal of that involves using his wits. Unfortunately, as he is alone, he gets no xp whatsoever for this. I know it's not all about the power, but it's non-realistic for someone who spends most of his time being hardened by the wilds to stay at the exact same power level. If some provision could be made for this, I would be grateful. If not, I'll live.


If we see you making the server a more enjoyable and flavorful place for everyone, chances are you will be rewarded. However, keep in mind that this is not a single-player server or built to promote a single-player experience.

As Strife said, this server isn't meant for single-player. Much of the server enjoyment comes from interaction and conflict with other PCs. Although, roaming the Underdark does have its own rewards -The DM team, I believe, are bringing back the DMless DM quest "@" areas (A few areas dotted around the area each reset, to reward those who dare brave the Underdark).

However, only the powerful or foolish roam the Underdark alone, so I would suggest making a few "allies", or gathering a few expendable pawns. This will make things fun for both you, and those you involve. Not only this, but again, as Strife said, the DMs will definately reward those making a positive impact on the server and bringing interesting conflict into the foreground.

Yes exploring the Underdark is dangerous, even if you think you've got a solution to go everywhere, trust me, there are creatures, traps and locales that can foil you.

Always get a group together to explore, even if it's only a small group, having more than one person can often be a boon. Not to mention it gets players interacting and making IG friends.

A Sentinel would say: Don't go wander in the dark alone.

First of all: Barbarian speed can get you out of most things, and stealth and Burning Hands items can get you out of the rest. At least as far as I've seen. Yes, DMs, take that as an invitation to test my survivability.

Also, I understand that this is not a single-player server. The idea of pawns had not occurred to me. Very interesting. Perhaps I'll use them and then axe murder them. Muahahahaha! Anyone looking to play a crazy halfling woman axe murderer? B'tziel is lonely...

When I get on tonight, I'll try and start earning my favors.


That is it I definitely think we got another Thomas.

dragonfire9000 First of all: Barbarian speed can get you out of most things, and stealth and Burning Hands items can get you out of the rest........

Not to sound rude or anything, but no...these things will not get you out of anything.

Spiders can still web you, numerous creatures can confuse/stun/daze you, there are creatures bigger than you that have Imp. Disarm/Imp. Knockdown and lets not forget those creatures with instant death spells/effects/abilities.

And lets not forget the mechanical issue that monsters can follow you through transitions and will appear on the other side of said transition -before- you do.

There is no one character class that can wander the Underdark, safely, alone.

There's nothing like the feeling you get when chased by a Malar Beast.

Skrillix There's nothing like the feeling you get when chased by a Malar Beast.

Oh yes, true, they use Knockdown.

I can pretty much speak for everyone and say we are really not that impressed by defeating, dodging, or enduring the things out in the underdark. Anyone can do that really, either with a party or alone. It's more impressive if you can draw characterization and conflict off of what your character chooses to do and does with respect to what's "out there."

Also, signing your posts is excessive. It does not need to be done. I would prefer if you did not do it, at least for my sanity's sake.

Shall we move this to a general discussion on survival? How about I sign them like this: ~Dragon Instead of below, which takes up more space. It's kind of a trademark thing, so I would like to keep it in some form. ~Dragon

ExileStrife Also, signing your posts is excessive. It does not need to be done. I would prefer if you did not do it, at least for my sanity's sake.

I think he was refering to -ANY- signing. Don't make the Strife cry. :( -IBTL

p00d33m That is it I definitely think we got another Thomas.

Dear god no, one of him is enough :) . That said he has calmed down a bit, i mean Allivern has been alive for how long now? Is this somekind of record for our boy.


- Snoteye.

EFU is not really a place for loners. Make friends!


- wcsherry