2008-02-03 18:23:30 UTC
Not sure what, but When I plant stuff, 3/4 of the time it's not growing. There was one fairly remote cave which I nearly filled with seeds, and only two of them showed up, and one poofed on a reset.
I've planted serveral more since then. None of them have showed up. Neither are ones I have planted in other areas since.
What's going on, why are the fruits of my labor not showing up?
2008-02-03 18:35:36 UTC
Because the system isn't working as intended. This is, like, the third time this question is answered. >.>
2008-02-04 00:51:59 UTC
Also. Despite the fact I am being told, there are in fact other types of plants IG, neither I nor a few other underdark scouts can find anything other than bluecaps [that is harvestable].
I can provide a list of all the areas and routes I have looked along (quite thoroughly) and I could not find a single one. I have been told of other ones being seen awhile back IC by other PC's, I go to those places and there is in fact nothing there.
So is the 'not working as intended' somehow responisble for this?