*A second Letter is sent*
Dear Winston
Dont you find it kind of ironic all this time upper was supposed to raid us but we ended up raiding them before us. Because of recent actions not the people of lower look like the Vilains rather than the corupt Uppers. More important who the hell planed the assualt? Last I check the smartest form of assualt was attacking your enemy when they wherent ready!
That was the most flawed assualt that motivated the privates to get ready after a insane woman exploded herself. Secondly there was a sending saying there was going to be an assualt and yet they attacked anyway. Now these rumors of an assualt from upper may have just came true because of this daring moronic assualt that woulda accomplished nothing even if it worked.
Also Winston I think lower may need to be its own government if we are to have a chance of orginazation to defend ourselves from an Upper attack.
My idea is to invite prominent figures as well as represenatives of gangs as Lower Coalition members. The lower Coaltion would consist of.
1 A represenative of the Nancies
2 a represenative of the Derbies.
3 a represenative of the boys that hold the warehouse in the canal Ward.
4 a Represenative of the Lowerman defending the gate.
5 a Represenative of the Pissing Crone.
6 You yourself of course.
7 a represenative of the Hoarans.
8 A Represenative of the Brughles Shipping Company. (wich would be me garne Jars.)
9 And finally a represenative of the place known as Sewer Town that I hear alot about.
10 Coalition of the Shrine of Acsension
And finally someone will have to be the head of the coalition as ultimate authority. (but he/she canot veto Laws.) Ultimate Authority can request proof of coruption of Coalition members and there orginazations.
Coalition advantages.
He/she has right to enforce Laws by the lower coalition. As well as that persons entire orginazation.
He/she can vote on laws and to make things fair for capitol crimes 3 members of the Lower coalition must Juge to make sure justice is fair.
Qualifing to have a group representing the coaltion.
1 Having a group of 5 or more members and attaining a piece of real estate in Lower Sanctuary. You cant be uppers.
Laws Rules and Consenquence.
Minor and seriouse are judged by arresting officer at the scene. The Lower Coalition enforcers Must take records of all crimes
commited by persons and fines seized.
Fines seized are to go to coalition treasury
Minor crimes
Punishments = fine of 100-300 gold.
1 Causing false panic over nothing
2 Litering
3 Harassment
4 Throwing fruit at people
5 Public Nudity (unless its a girl thats prety.)
There is to be nothing considered ilegal goods unless that object is cursed and brings danger to others.
Seriouse crimes. 500+
Unarmed assualt. -Fine of 500-1000 Gold
Assualt (with a weapon.) -Beat to the floor and striped of any assets the enforcer sees fit.
Theft -beat to the floor and any assets as scene fit are seized. Rightfull property is to be returned to its owners.
Resisting Arrest-If one trys fleeing the scene or attacking in return to the enforcer.-The Enforcer has the right to make any punishment he or she deems necesarry.
Capitol -Judgement by 3 Coalition members.
If found guilty. 1 Death and all assets and possesions seized for funding the coalition. Death will include burnt publically alive so no one can raise them.
Or exile all assets seized and forced to wander the Underdark.
Murder-The unjustful killing of a person. (person dosent include goblins Kobolds Drow Koa Toa Full Orcs Orogs and whatever monster you can think of.) If you murder a man whom has assualted you thou shalt not be tried.
Slaving-Imediate death no exile at all
Animating a dead body
Plotting to murder a person.
Assualt upon a coalition member or Enforcer. (dosent include when resisting.)
Being a upper Spy.
On the dead.
All corpses are to be burned because this city is cursed for those deceased to reanimate. However that persons ashes will be given to family members.
If Dead all assets are seized and are given to people in his will. If there is no Will all assets seized by the Lower Coalition.
All people may send there wills to the Lower Coalition.
Fair game - any monsters Watchman Spellguard and Spellguard Associates are fair game to anyone as well as anyone aiding the watch and spellguard.
This is my idea for lower to be a settlement
Garne Jars