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For Aurin Guerini at the 'Crone*

My good friend Aurin,

Such times we have had toghether....I still remember the Silver running ankle deep not so long ago.., I wished to inform you that I have taken over for poor Teth and Pearce, in hopes of keeping the Crone the bastion of freedom that they saw it as. In as much, I am planning a series of themed fight nights that should keep Mr. Doors happy and our lowresmen entertained. I cannot imagine such an extravaganza without you and the good Capatain Malcer present. I am sure I could even find paying work at the events for yourself, I would assume the Captain to be fighting. Look forward to hearing from you, I hope this finds you in Her good fortune. I, of course, can be reached at the 'Crone.

Kind regards,

Mr. Taylorson