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Jaden Sarkish

He's not dead, but I think it's safe to say that it's over. I've been busy with other things anyway, and I wanted to take the chance to post some of my favorite screenshots.

DMs: If any of this is too spoileriffic, let me know and I will take down the offending picture.

The moment that Jaden's life changed forever.

Jaden smoking cigarettes with his first arrest ever, Archie Blatz.

Harlow Penrose regales the audience at the original Last Stand Inn.

Soon Harlow is the toast of the town, but for entirely different reasons.

One of the perks of law enforcement.

Oh, to be a necromancer.

Speaking of necromancers, who's this guy?

Okay, maybe this necromancy thing isn't all it's cut out to be.

Don't tell anybody, but deep down underneath all that blubber, Alivarn Fireheart is really a softie.

Yeah, he was sure.

Kepler, where in the hell are we going?

Okay, you still haven't answered my question.

Sassy Cassey, we did everything we could for you.

Are you scared yet?

If that doesn't scare you, try this on for size.

This was one of my favorite moments ever. Jaden never had any idea how lucky he was. PlayerCharacter sure did.

The trial of Spellguard Agent Hector Kingsworth Llewellen Best.

You meet alot of interesting people on the city beat.

Some of them, really interesting.

For a few days, Jaden was the biggest pimp in the Underdark.

But that wasn't destined to last long.

It's a special suit designed to protect against clowns. No, really.

Just exactly who do you think you're talking to, squiddy?

My kung fu is stronger than yours. Too bad it's versus rocks.

Jaden did eventually vindicate himself. Those remains belong to Jaden's first legitimate illithid kill, just outside the gates of Ysinode.

But none of it compares to Jaden's true victory.

I don't even know where to begin when it comes to thanking people. If I ever dealt with you even once, chances are good that you played a role in making this one of the best gaming experiences I have ever had.

Much love to everyone.

Great character. One of the better watchmen I have seen. A long run, At lest 2 of my characters had affilations with him (although one resulted in my character getting executed). Kudos.

EDIT: Isnt this more screenshots forum material?

Jaden and my Werewolf had some fun times heh, despite our rare meetings.

A shame we never got that awesome duel to the deathh.

Jaden was excellent!

I played with Jaden a little, and always enjoyed it. And those screenshots are awesome!


Vilmar betense is in the clown one :D

Ah, the pocket dimension. That thing fucked so many peopel over :/

But it was really interesting. I miss jaden :/

One of those terrific characters you loved to see around, it was always fun to be alongside Jaden and RP with him. Good times in the Watch, congratulations with an excellent character!

Great character! :)

I had countless "adventures" with Jaden, all of them being a great experience. Sorrell always enjoyed talking to Jaden.. and trying to convince him that the surface did in fact exist. heh

Good luck with whatever you have going on in right now, and I hope you'll make a return in the near future with another great character.

No shots o' Jad'n an' Reg, eh?

<3 Jaden :D

Jaden Sarkish...

Incredible character. His innocence, I think, kept him alive and allowed him to meet all those interesting people and creatures.

All those long talks about squids and implants and hunts and thralls were well worth it. You taught little old Kepler a great... many... things. ;) Those long journeys inside and outside Sanc were always fun.

And the conspiracies we explored were mind boggling. There was always just enough complex information for me to shake my head and think wtf was going on. I always had a feeling I was scratching the surface of what Jaden had actually seen and knew about.

Almost convinced you to join the Society! Almost...


Well done... a lot.

Jaden was an -excellent- character and I enjoyed every moment roleplaying with him.

I look forward to your next PC. I know it will be just as intricate and involving as Jaden.

Nice one.

Ill miss Jaden :-(


Naw, just messing with yea.

I can't believe I still did that, :P

You left us with out telling what you should <<

I still waiting for the day of revelations ...

Be safe bro.

Having RP'd with you on, like... 5 different characters, I can say that you added a lot of enjoyable conflict to all of them. Jaden was one of the first people I thought of when I thought "Watch"!

I very much enjoyed interacting with Jaden, and through the looking glass, you. Merry meet and merry part...

One I left out:

Who are you?