All ye Stout Folk,
We all be here in this 'ere town together. Most of us lost our clans and kin, mebbe ferever, so here's a way to join with good other good Stouts who'll watch yer back and tip a pint 'er two with ye.
If ye be a Stout looking to be with 'is kin, look for me or any other wut been in town for a while.
Stouts named Wulgar, Gimball, Gloinar be some to look fer to find out about this 'ere Clan.
And if ye be looking to bust heads fer a coin or two, it's always nice to have a trusted kinsman at ye back instead of others that may rob ye blind or slit yer throat as it suits 'em.
Be happy to meet and knock one down with ye;
Craddoc Strongaxe Battlepriest of Clangeddin Stoutheart Clan