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[To Councilor Cheval]


My superiors have informed me that it will be possible to augment your personal quarters with upgraded security wards in a short amount of time should you like them, similar to the ones placed on Sanctuary's Gates.

On the topic of your other requests, our Associates are currently prowling the Canal Ward, and my first draft of the budget requests you have made is complete. I'll hopefully have the rest for you by the 16th or 17th of Marpenoth.


Agent Riesse Opalshore

Here is the report you asked for.

~ Agent Opalshore.

Budget Analysis Modifications

When one sits down to ask how Sanctuary could be made better through Spellguard technology and research through increased spending, he should expect to read nothing short of a lengthy novel! Truth be told, the Spellguard is limited only by man-power, financial resources, and Council Restrictions. Once said things are afforded to the Spellguard Order of Mages, the only true restrictions upon our capabilities and future designs are our imaginations. The most immediete improvements the city can benefit from shall be listed below: [1]

Animatron Production and Design.

While one should never doubt or underestimate the tenacity, wit, and overwhelming desire to survive any sentient creature has, the truth of the matter is that Sanctuary has few lives it can afford to lose. Each man in the Watch is a valuable asset to Her [2] well being. While we are currently able to afford the In Between gates and the primary entrance of the city with Animatrons, increased funding will mean hard-working men and women in the Watch will not have to suffer through double shifts - nor worry about casualties. It will mean that Animatrons will be able to ensure the safety of our citizens on a larger scale with greater efficiency than ever. Truly, these gifts left behind by the svirfneblin of the past are one of our greatest assets here in Sanctuary, and are likely being overlooked and underused as of late.


With a larger budget, the Spellguard will be able to provide each councilor with more private security than was ever enjoyed in the past. Private Spellguard bodyguards, invisibility dispelling wards placed at the request of the Council, and perhaps even private animatrons for each Councilor to have at his or her own beckon could be managable with more coin.

The Machine / Research.

This is where the gold can be best spent, this is where we are limited only by our imagination. The beauty of our research programs is that we are able to construct devices relevant to whatever currently is more desired by our Council and Citizens.

Say there is a complaint from citizens that the water in Dunwarren has gone sour. Say there is a complaint and perhaps even riots amongst the good people in the Residential Ward due to a lack of sufficient heating or cooling for their homes. A team of Spellguard researchers could be commisioned at any given point to begin projects that will attempt to pacify these problems through recovered svirfneblin technology.

A more exciting prospect to begin to imagine is how this gold could be spent to activate the defense orbs that seemingly once defended our gates.

Perhaps with enough gold we would be able to commision arcanists to research these orbs around the clock. Perhaps these devices controlled a cloaking infrastructure that kept the old Dunwarren city hidden from its enemies? Perhaps they are able to summon forth huge explosions that are able to eradicate any threat - be it drow, beholder, illithid, goblin, orog, or otherwise. If things are left as they are, we will never know, and the punishment for our sin of ignorance will be no progression forward whatsoever.

As reqeusted, these are my suggestions Councilor.

Dutifully and on behalf of the Elite Spellguard Mages,

Agent Riesse Opalshore.

[1]These are Agent Opalshore's opinions. [2]Women, like Sanctuary, can be cruel and terrible to endure. As such the writer references Sanctuary as a woman from here on out in his works.

A courier will send you our maps sometime within this day.

~ Opalshore.

Dutiful Agent Riesse Opalshore,

Thank you for the report. The Spellguard will have a greater chance of receiving extra funding, if you send this information to the the Council as a whole, and make it sound as if you wrote this up on your own initiative. Mention in the report that before the succession, and the great changes of the past few years, the Spellguard enjoyed a greater budget than what it currently has, and include some of the extraordinary things the Spellguard were able to do with this gold.

Make a recommendation of a budget increase ranging from 5-6% percent. Councillor Jacelyn Cheval

My friend,

How are things progressing in this matter? If anything further is needed to make a final decision, do not hesitate to let me know.

~ Agent Opalshore.


The document has the full support of the Council, but one. Crowshire is withholding his right to veto. Decide as you will how to pass the bill, I do not think I can persuade him further.

A friend.