ive been on this server about two months trying to get the hang of the on-line play,i have 25 years exp. with pnp d&d , and well ill be frank i see alot of chars that are thinly veiled people behind computers not total chars played by people. example: I have a learning disabilty nothing serious but spellingand typeing are a mistery to me and some times the word *and *or* that * or* there *are nearly imposible to spell for me and the list goes on... so as usual i find away to be heard or to get around my short commings **custom text macro**i thought that this was the way i could compeat but i heard nothing but *quit spaming * and how many times are you going to *nods* or *step back* shakes head* negitive allways negative so i got more creative cuse i wanted to play chars that could get involved in the polticks of the server but since i type so slowly no one waits to here what i have to say. so i was forced to play chars that have low int. or cha. so that my mistakes (as a player) seemed to be ic things. well i am a fair poet( if i have a dictotary or a theorus handy)so i thought a bard that is my ticket to becoming "part of this server" somthing i wanted greatly. but after a two hour writeing and typeing (macro) much creative hair pulling i had the story of "the battle of mycropolis(spelled wrong again cuse i dont know how to spell it ) and i attemped to perform it in public...hopeing to be noticed and rewarded for my (i thought) very creative adeptation in over comeing my personal problems.i rolled my perform ckeck every time i layed it down.(never under 18) and all i got was hecklers and detractors (execpt for geruini who gave me 100 gold)and not once before i was heckeled did i see an opposing dice roll not once! if some one's char hated music then thay make a save or opposing check and win the dice roll i have no choice but to play the ball where it lies, but if no check is made what can i say and if i had something to say it takes so long for me to to type it, thay say things like "i thought so" and by the time im done, thay are gone. in short this game on line is setup for people that have certain skills (typeing and spelling) and if you cant to that nomatter how skilled you are a playing "charters" all you can play are semi-moron's that will never be involved in this server in a serious way there im done now.
roll play really? D&D 3.0 rules really?
First off, I feel for you.
This is a harsh server with players that range from people altogether new to Neverwinter Nights all the way up to folks who've toured the many Player-vs-Player arena servers and been successful to those who just want to emote and chat all day in-character.
That being said, and without first-hand knowledge of the singing experience you described, it's likely that the folks 'heckling you' were likely NOT trying to make fun of you personally but rather their characters making fun of how your character was speaking.
I believe that you play a character called Hand, if I am not mistaken. I've seen him about and, personally, I thought you did a great job role playing him. He has a personality that is unique and even if his dialogue is choppy because of your typing skills, I personally like it.
I've never given any gold to him with my characters because the one I play the most (a halfling paladin) is very duty oriented and always is marching off to some other battle, he rarely takes time to enjoy finer things - like your bard!
However, there are others here who may tell you that if you want to be active in the server, that you have to use correct spelling because it will 'break the immersion' of other players. I can't argue that sometimes that chronic bad spelling breaks immersion for me sometimes. It isn't personal - its just the players like to lose themselves in this world and mechanical things like spelling might get to them. As far as emoting and spamming, I don't know who was saying that, but honesly, they should be quiet. Unless you were spamming them with tells or something.
As far as getting involved in the plots and politics of Sanctuary, that may sometimes take a while. It will take a while for your character to hang out with people to learn more about them and to know them and let them be able to trust your character.
Finally, as far as people not waiting to hear what you have to say, I don't know what really to say to that. Some folks want a fast response. Others might think you are not at the computer at the moment. Some players leave their character logged in for long periods of time while they are not at their computer. Other players are aware of this type of behavior so if they don't get a response within a reasonable amount of time, they assume the person they are talking to isn't at their computer to read it.
I am sorry you are having such a tough time here. I, personally, can see your effort in your character and really appreciate you trying your best.
The server isn't for everyone, but I really encourage you to keep trying if you feel you're up to it. But if you feel you can't or are not having fun here, then it's alright to walk away. You shouldn't feel bad about that.
well thank's for being nice ..that said ..these expert players that played all the arena servers and all ..have no idea of the roots of roll play (as far as i can see ) where are the opposeing checks. where are the rules in this "immertion"(spelling) world that is so important that if i miss spell one word that it ruins it for them how self important and self centered. i felt that there were a lot of bards on this server that NEVER played a Bard even some that made it to 7th lvl(or higher) never performing exect bard song for buffing (and that can hardly be counted) so i saw a need here for a bard that did bard things as daily thing i.e. singing of current events perfofming the spoken word and such and im hacked for miss spelling a word! one word! cant these people see beyond the end of there nose? i wasnt playing this char for any other reason than i want ed to add to the server in a way that it was lacking by correctly playing a bard ...for others enjoyment ... for this i was told the "misspellings ruin my fun"! I also spent 10 years in the united states marine corps ( as a bullit sponge for those that know what that is ) and am holding back on the venacular...out of respect...but come on ! guys cant i play? i mean no ones perfect ...i guess ill play empty headed semi-moron's so my mistakes will be thought I.C. and lets try rolling some dice? I.E. dungons and dragons 3.0 rules what do ya think?
I believe, not ever meeting your bard, that your emphasis on the roll play, rather then role play, and your own expectations of others may be hindering your fun. Personaly, I would rather see an action played out then ///roll a "whatever" check. It sounds like you just had a bad night, there are players from age 14? Dr. D, am I right on this??? to well over 40, so take your feedback with a grain of salt. I would stick with the Bard, and try preforming in some of the taverns. It sounds like you enjoyed playing him until someone sent you some negative tells?
I have seen bards preform like this- roll preform check once- Preform according to the roll through emotes and typing. Also, they usually perform in one of the taverns, folks always tend to ignore outdoor stuff, to busy I guess.. If it is a high roll, like 18+ they usually get showered in praise and coin. I myself have no idea what the proper roll for a good one should be, as I said, I am roll check ignorant...probably why I do not like them. I hope this helps, and I will keep an eye out for your next performance. Hope you stick with it, the server could use some more of the fine arts! :P
DMs are the only ones who can legitimately enforce rolls made independently of their own prompting.
High rolls and high ranks in skills are great and all, and it's good to have them to back up whatever you may do, but they alone do not comprise the core of good roleplaying.
Edit: In addition, I'd just like to add that playing a bard does not necessitate singing. There are plenty of bardic arts out there for those lyrically challenged.
Welcome and I think you did well as a bard.
The DM's have said on many occasions, that dice rolls only work when there is a NPC involved which also means a DM is controlling it, or the players discuss beforehand what the rollcheck should be.
And for Bards, a big question is how do you want us to react? You want us to praise you, praise the people in the story/song you are telling, do you want us to rund screaming down the road yelling for the blood of a goblin?
As far as hecklers go, location is also important. You most likely will get more hecklers in Lower than in Upper. Of course it all depends on what you are doing. Is it a generic song? Are you singing about the bathing habits of a Crone employee? Are you singing the praises of a man, because you are getting paid to do it?
Also, I remember a bard, who never sang, but told stories outside the City Hall. they were always fun to listen to, and even though no one stood there and praised him or threw coins at him, I am sure people were listening. You never knew when he was going to provide information about a plot or important events.
It is difficult to play a character when something is expected out of you, or you play someone who behaves the entirely opposite way than you do in your real life. But that is also what makes it more fun. We all do mistakes in our grammar and spelling, as we are all from different countries around the world, so I would not worry too much on that topic. What I have read of your bard's poems or songs is great, and very well made! If it is a character you feel well playing, and you have fun with him, why stop it?
Don't let anything stop you from playing what you feel is fun, even if it is expected to be more than what you actually manage. I have played a 18 Charisma character, something I am not entirely familiar with and able to properly show, and I had a blast playing him.
Again, I believe you are doing well with your bard, but I have not seen much of him. I would like to, though.
As the one who did the heckling, I would like to apologize. It was an honest IC reaction for Zeezin, who has plugged his earholes on multiple occasions before when bards struck up a tune (instrumental or singing). I did not mean to show disrespect to you as a player, and I think it's great that you are playing a bard who actually sings (you're only the fourth one I've seen in a few months' time here on EfU).
Advice about typing: type short sentences, so people know more is coming. If you try to type a 10 sentence long text, people will wait on you a little, but then walk away assuming you're finished, while you're actually madly rushing to type your stuff.
For the rolling the dice thing, i'm not sure how it goes but it seems it's only dms asking folks to do the rolls that matters. I'm trying out a bard right now, so i guess i'll get the feeling of what happened to you pretty soon.
Our policy on skill checks is clearly stated in the FAQ.
Letsplayforfun Advice about typing: type short sentences, so people know more is coming.
Hey Iconaclast - while I don't think I've interacted with you yet (I'm not on very often anymore) I'd like to reinforce this advice.
I recommend using a "..." to indicate that more is coming or even speaking in half sentences that are obviously incomplete. I find that even at my relatively modest typing speed I have trouble getting text out as fast as I would desire.
If questing with a party, perhaps inform them oocly at the start of the quest that you might be a bit slow to type responses.
Other players may also wish to exercise more patience with those who speak english as a foreign language or with other individual problems with typing and spelling. Playing in a community like this can't be purely about personal enjoyment, but must also take into account other players' enjoyment as well.
As a "two finger typist" I find it much easier to RP with small groups. When there is a large group around, my character usually says very little because I cannot respond quick enough to answer a question or make a comment on something before the subject is changed. Also, when a group is used to playing with you personally, they know to wait a little longer when they want a response from you. Stick around, get to know a few people OOC, and the IC aspect will improve.
Hope this helps :>)
The Iconaclast that said ..these expert players that played all the arena servers and all ..have no idea of the roots of roll play
This isn't true.
I played arena servers, and nothing but, for over a year.
I enjoy my roleplay and although it is quite hard to believe I have been commended on my roleplaying skills a number of times.
And granted, some of the people here expect nothing but the best. Sometimes being a slow typer makes it hard to keep up with the dialogue here. I have kind of the same problem with loading times. Takes me 5-6 seconds to load an area, by which time my party have walked off and I have to OOCly run to keep up with them.
If you stick at it and do everything to the best of your ability then you will be rewarded for it.
Don't take things OOCly unless the are done in an OOC manner. Say if you are singing in the crone and the IC characters think your song is no good, you'll get heckled, fruit thrown at you, etc etc. This is the joy of lower.
Also, as many other people have said, try not to use rolls unless it's really needed. At maximum, if playing a bard, I would roll a perform check before the first line of the song just to prove I have perform points.
Other than that, just roleplay out your skill points. If you have a lot of intimidate points, when roleplayed right a character won't need to roll. People will get the feel that your character is naturally intimidating.
Just stick at it. Whatever people say is done all ICly and should be dealt with ICly.
As another old fogey to another that played pnp along time ago i can sympathize to what you are saying. It was hard for me to transfer from pnp where i had a d.m. in front of me all the time catering to my every need than to the internet that there simply isn't enough d.m.'s for that to go around. As far as the hecklers and spelling i for one could care less if someone spells some words wrong. And heckling is all part of the game. Hey not everyone liked elvis.
The important part is for you to like playing your character and getting enjoyment from that. Nothing is worse than booting up nwn and dreading loading up your character. If you want to do some roll play or have some other questions shoot me some tells in game and i will be happy to rp and help with anything i can. The important part is to be having fun. And if you are not than there is a big problem we need to fix. :wink:
Welcome Ironaclast!
I've been playing here for probably a year, or just under, and I am still trying to get a character involved in something interesting. I don't have all the time in the day to stay on and make speeches and whatever (married and family, yea I said it, oh and college), so I think that hinders me a little. Also, I am still trying to fine-tune my rp as well.
As efuincarnate said, "there are players from age 14? Dr. D, am I right on this??? to well over 40, so take your feedback with a grain of salt."
I agree with that. This server isn't filled with 100% roleplaying experts, so expect the unexpected from some folks.
And for the dice rolling thing. You can use that if you wish. To me, when you do a roll check on your performance (or whatever else), you are forcing the player audience to react to your check results; no matter if it is negative or positive. If you don't roll a check, then you give the players the liberty to decide how their PCs will react, I think you would have a better chance like that. I don't think the checks are something etched in stone that has to be done, even if you're used to doing them elsewhere or whatever.
That's my opinion on that. Have fun in EfU!
As a suggestion you could try adding a note to your character's description that says something like,
"Please forgive my typing and spelling, I have a learning disability."
I think people would be a lot more understanding and less likely to assume that you are 13 and a WoW transplant.
Welcome to EfU. I appreciate your comments, however I wish to make it extremely clear that in EfU the emphasis is on the role-play (characterization, character choices, and so on) vs. opposed rolls and all that. Opposed rolls are pretty much discouraged unless a DM asks for it - that's just not the game we're playing here, regardless of the roots of DnD.
Additionally, heckling and all that sort of IC reaction is perfectly acceptable and encouraged, although if it is just from a few silly spelling errors I can understand your disappointment.
Some truly bad spellers have improved vastly just from playing on EfU, so it's certainly possible you'll improve more than you think, although even if you don't people will hopefully be OOC'ly patient with such mistakes. Contact the DM team if they are not, as spelling and typos is an entirely OOC thing and not something that should be dealt with IC.
Hi Iconoclast,
Just to say I really respect you for trying to work around your short-comings. That being said know that a lot of people here are kids that would probably 'boo' Shakespeare which translates into "Dont give up -- being a good bard and actually getting applause and praise is quite quite hard."
Cheer up
Your bard's song just got immortalized in the Awesome Moments Megathread.