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Letter sent to Drin

Do you know any mercenary companies that can keep the docks secure for my plans on building trade vessels and the like? I would hate it for "freedom fighters" (AKA Anarchists) to ruin any plans to enrich Sanctuary.

~Lord Allivarn Fireheart.

Master Fireheart,

I know of no mercenary companies at all. I have heard of a group that is led by Lucius in lower, but what strength or capacity they have I do not know.

Also I am trying to negotiate a proper use for the ward with the heads of the other wards so that all wards are happy with the use of it.

Please do not move in and claim that area as yours quite yet. It's purpose has yet to be determined.


Drin Shieldarm of Arvoreen Warden of the New Dunwarren Greycloaks