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A Letter to the spellguard order

Greetings, if at all possible I would like to meet with one of your agents to learn more about your order. I am a mage of modest skill and I would like to see if our views are similar. I am an Abjurer and have been in Sanctuary long enough that I should like to possibly become part of something larger than myself. Push forward my efforts for something greater.

Please let me know if a meeting would be possible. You can leave word for me at the Stand or just approach me on your own as you see fit.

Thank you.

Rigrim Barrows

[a short sealed note is sent to the Last Stand]

Citizen Barrows,

Your interest in our prestigious Order is noted. Not knowing your appearance, I think we will leave it to you to approach an agent, or come to Serena tower and ring the bell. If an agent is free, they will speak with you and begin your assessment.

*the Seal of the Spellguard*

((signed with a flourish)) Agent Blake Order of the Spellguard

(( OOC - we have agents that play in US evening times, and I play in Euro afternoon times mostly ))