Home > Town Hall Podium

A short speech by Councilor Donrick...

Councilor Donrick addresses the Town Hall, from the podium, before having the transcripted posted inside the Watch House, the Spellguard Tower and the Town Hall...

People of Our Sanctuary, I address you now, in light of recent events.

As ever, one threat disperses another steps up to take its place. Mycopolis beneath us has fallen. In their stead, sits a tribe of Goblins, giving praise to an enigmatic entity, known only as the Great Slug. They say they are peaceful, but goblins can never be trusted to keep their word. I have never been one for hiding the truth from the people, so I speak plainly to you now. It is inevitable that these goblins will rise up and attack; moving through Lower to assault our Gates. I do not say this to strike fear into your hearts, or to spread panic. I say this, because I know you trust in our defenders to do their job and ask you to continue to trust in them to deliver Our Sanctuary from this threat.

Both the Watch and the Spellguard have been working in unison, against this common enemy.

The spirit of cooperation is at its strongest. Agents work alongside Privates, united by their common goal; To protect Our Sanctuary's people!

So, people of Sanctuary, fear not this threat, for we have endured far worse. Trust in your defenders, in your Council. They shall not fail you.

We shall stand strong!

We shall stand proud!

Long live Our Sanctuary!