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I'm sorry to anyone who was affected by Buzzlebub's mysterious disappearance. But I'm back! I haven't given up on the Broken Teef or his war against anyone taller than he is! =D

Welcome back. Now, play the best song. In the world, or I shall eat your soul.

What's with this sudden Tenacious D fad?

It's not sudden, it was my Demon plan all along. A seed, in all your minds, just waiting to activate! Now, as the love of Tenacious D gets stronger, I too, rise in Demon power!

..but, let's not spring off topic...

So the devil went down to Georgia, cause he was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind, because he was way behind, and he was willing to make a deal. And he came across a young man, sawing on a fiddle, playing it hot. And he jumped up on a hickory stump and said "Boy let me tell you what.."

Is there a different BEST SONG EVER that I'm not aware of?

Topic derailing bastards.

I've only met Buzzlbub today, but I already want to kill him, looking forward to finding him later. >: )

So mean.

Preposterone I've only met Buzzlbub today, but I already want to kill him, looking forward to finding him later. >: )

lol And which character do you play? :3

He's the one with GRATUITOUS amounts of energy.