2008-01-05 19:14:24 UTC
IMO IIRC ITT We'll post screenshots of awesome moments, from the simple (like mine) to the server-shattering! Try to keep it spoiler-free so everybody can join in, but other than that, go nuts! Remember, Awesome is up to interpretation.
A post-Sslal'teesh high-five with the resident ass-fryer, Fryar.
My goblin riding a dead Goblin cleric like a pony.
The tale of Slubuslu the Goblin of Vengeance, paying Derek Storm back for killing my character.
Needs no introduction.
Pentz falls asleep outside of the Hold and has a dream. In it, he bets on a fight between two dragons named Sage and Anonymous. He wins, and awakens with a bag of gold! (Unbeknownst to the DM at the time, he also managed to snag a vial of dragon blood.)
It was worth it to try and get that loot. I miss you, Staircase quest!
I was trying to make the two-whip override...I eventually got it. This is not it.

Not a screenshot, but purely defines Awesome.
2008-01-05 23:31:56 UTC
Ooookay. I don't take as many screenshots now as I used to, so I'll post some old ones I have lying around for now. If I find any newer ones that are interesting without being spoilerific then I'll throw them up when they've been converted.
Still one of my funniest moments, I laughed so hard at this.
Hins, ahoy!
When things got REAL interesting for Shauna and Kata.
Mylin -v- Imnan. What a bout! Finger of Death to the FAEC!
Boogy nights in the Rock Bottom.
Many a nefarious plot hatched in the grotto under the Rock Bottom...
My first Crone Fight Night! Go Gaeseric!
One of my stranger moments in EfU. <_<
That's it for now, more to come.
2008-01-12 10:12:26 UTC
Just happened, made me actually lol, so I figured I'd post it.

The Ace Of Blades
2008-01-19 03:21:43 UTC
Oh my God.
AKMatt, you are my hero for catching that screen.
2008-01-19 04:12:51 UTC
Dan is the hero for doing that. Aurin gets credit for the setup. And, of course, Howland is the hero for spicing.
2008-01-19 04:14:18 UTC
I thought of it too, I just didn't do it on account of that giant field of kill you if you touch me energy.
2008-01-19 04:39:11 UTC
Dan gets all the best lines. :wink:
2008-01-19 05:30:13 UTC
Never uploaded photos here before. Let's see if I screw it up. ;)

By germain8880 at 2008-01-18
And finally.. at least I had a character that made it to the surface. To bad I had to come back.
By germain8880 at 2008-01-18
2008-01-30 09:17:37 UTC

Looks like we made it!

I think this really sort of explains itself. I should have taken a picture during as opposed to after.

83 is my personal record, and it makes me very happy.

:| This request came when I was already in the state you see below.

Snoteye is a bizarre fellow. Or was it Sherry? Or Johannes? My god, you newb DMs are all blurring together. I know Sherry isn't a recent addition but I stand by it.

No, yeah, Snoteye is a bizarre fellow. Enjoy some comical misunderstandings!


2008-01-31 04:07:29 UTC
Oldies but goodies (one-liners always get bonus points):

Oskar Maxon
2008-02-07 17:32:38 UTC
<Cruzel|AppSent> xD
<OskarMaxon> What is it, Cruz?
<Cruzel|AppSent> "Did I just sleep with a spider?" -- That made my dad.
<Cruzel|AppSent> day*
<OskarMaxon> That's quite a funny typo, Cruz.
<Mr_BBQ> DOn't post it, please <_<
<RwG> XD
<RwG> That's -awesome-
<RwG> <_<
<RwG> Sleeping wtih a spider made your dad?
<RwG> >_>
<Cruzel|AppSent> hi hi oskar, please to be not making fun of me :/
<Cruzel|AppSent> You too RwG.
<Cruzel|AppSent> It made my day you bastards
<OskarMaxon> It's basically: <Cruzel>"Yeah, my grandfather was a spider."
<Cruzel|AppSent> and you you've gone and ruined it.
<Mr_BBQ> I understand <_<
<Cruzel|AppSent> Asses ! :(
<Cruzel|AppSent> Damn your asshatery.
2008-02-07 17:54:20 UTC
I just laughed silently for about a full minute. I couldn't breathe. You almost killed me.
2008-02-11 06:25:42 UTC
Ah, how appropriate that lts started this thread!
Cola Galley: How can you honestly not afford this crossbow?
Sev Butz: because I don't have 1500 gold...
Cola Galley: That's ridiculous. It's so cheap.
Sev Butz: Unless... Part of the cost is considered payment for the help I gave with the ice elemental....
Drago Copperskin: 1500 coins for a crossbow?
Cola Galley: It's a good crossbow.
Drago Copperskin: What kind of crossbow costs 1500?
Cola Galley: The kind that can piercea Chosen like butter.
Drago Copperskin: Well yes, but it makes your mind mush!
Sev Butz: So, how about it? [Looks in her coin purse] I give you... 500 gold... And the other 1000 of the cost is my reward for helping out with the ice elemental?
Drago Copperskin: I'd be all like *starts hitting himself in the face*
Cola Galley: ...hahaha...hahahahaa.
Sev Butz: [Shrugs]
Sev Butz: Worth a try...
Cola Galley: It goes to show that elves can't barter.
Sev Butz: Doesn't help that I've got nothing to barter with.
Cola Galley: Give me the 500 and a night in the sack and we'll have a deal.
Sev Butz: I got a bed roll right here.
Drago Copperskin: Well now.....
Sev Butz: Pick a corner.
And no, there are no screenshots because nothing happened!
2008-02-11 13:46:01 UTC
I don't know how to find my screenies again, but they're in my computer somewhere. However, an upcoming addition will hold my tongue-lashing of Darius Miller, followed by bis body-lashing of me. Ouch.
2008-02-11 20:56:49 UTC
I have a link and a picture to show you all.
And, in connection with Mr_BBQ's post:

2008-02-11 22:20:25 UTC
Is that a Giant and a Dragon leathering the hell out of eachother......... :D Now thats a fight i'd pay good money to see and then run like hell from after one of them wins.
Also Halfbrood, dude that link made my day... Bless sherry and that twisted sence of humour. And the smiles.... Them i miss, mad gangs in lower all just pale when compared to them.
I need to get some of the screenies off my old computer.... nothings gonna top that royal rumble though.
2008-02-12 03:18:20 UTC
That is amazing!
Things didn't look so good for Etorix in those pics. :shock:
2008-02-13 17:59:47 UTC
heh Out of context, much?

2008-02-14 08:28:14 UTC
Such a show-off, Halfbrood. But stupid-sweet. My jealousy continues to mount...
Mikhail The Heretic
2008-02-27 23:51:01 UTC
Clara and Kyle in love :oops:

Merum in stoning cage

2008-02-28 06:55:44 UTC
This was a cool moment. Drin nearly smote him though and so this moment almost didn't happen!
2008-02-28 17:22:20 UTC
Mikhail The Heretic
Clara and Kyle in love :oops:
Damn right he doesn't! :o
Morbid Dread
2008-03-01 01:48:03 UTC
In a quiet alley in Lower Sanctuary, Gruzpus declares his love for the sensual goblin maiden Liglack. She beams with happiness, and gives him a big sloppy kiss. They later spend several hours making love under the gentle light of a torch within the Sewers.
Not a screenshot, but for fans of goblin porn everywhere, an awesome moment nonetheless.
2008-03-04 03:15:22 UTC
Pizzy Poopsmeller's epic adventures known by noone except himself and the close poop bunnies he kept in his bag.

2008-03-04 03:34:49 UTC
only to die at the feet of some incompetent buffoons.

2008-03-04 03:48:20 UTC
ATTN: Bear. Waffle Images is a crap host. Also: Those images are sorely lacking in the Awesome. Goblins? Not awesome ever. Funny named goblins? Dime a dozen. Come on bear. :( Don't disappoint me like that.
2008-03-04 03:52:52 UTC
You're telling me you actually see screenshots, Kotenku?
All I get is a "No linking from this host" tag.
2008-03-04 04:14:42 UTC
Via my mad skills, I hacked into some leet encrypted mainframes n shit by typing really fast, and I found the direct links to the jaypegs and downloaded them onto my 64 bit firewire patented software storage and viewing utility.
(I hit quote, and copypastad the links)
2008-03-04 04:34:02 UTC
OMG, I am in awe of your l33t skillz. :shock:
2008-03-04 19:08:01 UTC
you all can kiss my shiny metal ass ill fix them later and if you dont like it oroborous knows about this wall im planning to buy that you can climb.
2008-03-04 20:22:58 UTC
I don't know what you posted OMG but lol to u good sir
good sir
2008-03-04 22:35:29 UTC
right click and hit view image
2008-03-04 23:26:26 UTC
fixed now you can right click receive bacon
2008-03-05 00:52:28 UTC
only to die at the feet of some incompetent buffoons.
Lol..that was Dangerous, and me <.< Dammit PWNT again :(
Winston Martin
2008-03-09 18:58:45 UTC

This shot was taken shortly after Denethen reveals it was he who was flirting with my previous character.
2008-03-09 20:54:24 UTC
Drappel Doozer is a man after my own heart : (
Dr Dragon
2008-03-09 21:27:44 UTC
I'm posting spoilers on this thread, so i'm going to get WTFPWNED
2008-03-10 13:10:05 UTC
Well, aren't you the smart one, Dr Dragon.
That wasn't spoilerish at all.
2008-03-14 16:20:04 UTC
Cyrican Prostitutes: "Ha! You thought I was a woman, didn't you? But by the epic power of cyric: I AM A MAN! *Casts spell and Mr.manly grows back*"
2008-03-14 23:31:11 UTC
You people just killed my inner child. :(
Oskar Maxon
2008-03-31 19:11:25 UTC
That's a lvl 3 goblin. Even Strife did better.
2008-04-03 20:06:05 UTC
Secret Tales from the Spellguard Vault.
I give you, A Sealab 2021 joke, for those of you that are familiar with it.

2008-04-03 21:20:53 UTC
First rule of goblin hunting - Never underestimate them just because they're glowing red.
2008-04-24 07:12:32 UTC

Best EfU moment ever.
Please give this character lots of DM XP if you haven't already, thank you.
2008-05-04 13:01:09 UTC
Sorry. Just can't avoid doing a little commercial of the self.
Superiority Complex.
2008-05-17 09:14:36 UTC
They're talking about Senestia's outfit--the red, skimpy one for those who've seen it.

2008-05-21 04:48:33 UTC
Dudebro's harshing my mellow.

2008-05-21 21:05:18 UTC
Town Hall forum rocks. All the fun stuff happens behind closed doors.
To save the good Councillors from further grammatical embarrassment, it is my duty is a clerk of Sanctuary to point out that it is 'Yea'. Unless it is due course that we proclaim our ascent with the frenzied warblings of a candy-fed child?
- Spithiwick Nurb
It's 'assent', Clerk. -Clerk Cleidt
Marry me. - Spithiwick Nurb
2008-06-06 08:05:36 UTC
Today on things that are funny when taken out of context:

Why doesn't democracy work? Because the stupid people don't know what they want!

2008-06-06 12:47:50 UTC
Evildoers... Beware. Because hes-

2008-06-06 14:35:37 UTC
HA!!! HA!! HA!!!! I loved that cartoon! :D
2008-06-06 22:09:23 UTC

Winston Martin decided to go AFK.
2008-06-06 23:12:56 UTC
In all my time as part of the Sanctuary Watch, I have feared that boy.
2008-06-07 11:24:51 UTC
Okay, the scene is there is a ridge we can jump across, one char barely made it over with a roll of 19. In five seconds chosen are going to pwn me so I decide to jump in a fullplate:

Dr Dragon
2008-06-08 23:37:18 UTC
Rofl The second post is funny if you know what had happened before that!
Luke Danger
2008-06-08 23:42:32 UTC
Dr Dragon
Rofl The second post is funny if you know what had happened before that!
Well, let's have a story!
*Gets a Sanctified Bedroll and oil flask out, makes a campfire and gets into the Sanctified Bedroll*
Dr Dragon
2008-06-08 23:44:30 UTC
What happened was Sten slaughtered urdlenights in the tunells for the 1000 coin bounty. He made a report however saying that he did it in self defence. Then Talanger tried to get him on for Murder and Azzam Basically told Talanger STFU Stop throwing accusation at your fellow officers ROFL.
Death to Clowns
2008-06-09 02:25:00 UTC
Oh Dr Dragon... what will he do next?
2008-06-09 03:28:25 UTC
Add to this thread pretty much every momma joke Rook's had up to this point. They're just golden.
2008-06-12 06:22:31 UTC
So maybe Sune's idea of "beauty" is a bit different from yours?
2008-06-12 06:25:10 UTC
2008-06-12 19:41:21 UTC
Admiral Akbar can tell us what happened...

2008-06-12 20:21:54 UTC
The following is paraphrased:
(Senestia polymorphs into Bette Midler)
Erik Plainswalker > Yer still pretty.
Senestia > [nods] Thank you, Erik.
[Your alignment has been shifted 1 point towards good]
cawila [TELL] I gave you one point of good for calming an angry woman.
gwydion [TELL] That's impossible to do.
cawila [TELL] well, you tried.
2008-06-22 08:47:06 UTC
I present... The grossest, mushiest, corniest, gushiest, slushiest scene in EfU ever (or, at least, in my history here).

Birds eye view:

2008-06-22 09:06:55 UTC
I ... I ....
I have no excuses. Yes. That was by far the most grossest, mushiest, corniest, gushiest, slushiest scene in EfU ever: That I've ever seen.
Yes. I was there. Playing the bubbly one. No, I dont remember why I'm playing a bubbly blonde, but I am.
2008-06-22 13:51:29 UTC
I played as a bubbly blonde once... that didn't last too long. I got bored and converted her to moander first chance I got.
2008-06-22 21:05:47 UTC
You two... ugh. For chrissake. THE UNDERDARK IS SERIOUS BUSINESS.
Get eaten by a Deep Lurker please.
2008-06-22 23:44:54 UTC
I thought I should contribute as well. I fear I never remember to take screenshot of the big moments. Especially the hilarious ones like seeing Jano dance, Chief engineer Gimmings & Wyric discussions, some gnome woman trying to flirt at the judge Wyric and list goes on...however here is few.
While I do not have emote of Jano dancing... I do have a shot at the same party, and it has the man at the middle of dance floor. He dances alone, I tell you. It is the Donrick Ball, which was literally a blast.

This is actual profile I saw probably a year ago...

Wyric and Frum had some good adventures, however this was the most dangerous encounter they had. Anyone who worked for council during last half year at least, should understand... Riddle did not die that day fortunately.

I wonder was he making a jest or not.

2008-06-30 06:07:53 UTC
Disgusting.You two... ugh. For chrissake. THE UNDERDARK IS SERIOUS BUSINESS.
Get eaten by a Deep Lurker please.
This is why it didn't work for us, Kotenku.
2008-07-01 01:55:21 UTC
Might be an inside joke for those who have seen Reynart naked.

2008-07-14 01:40:42 UTC
This should draw attention away from me.
2008-07-14 18:29:21 UTC
It's slander and lies, I tell you.
2008-07-26 00:10:25 UTC
Milmamir raises the dead.
[img] [/img]

2008-07-26 02:29:54 UTC
Successfully raising the dead is one of the greatest experiences a cleric on EfU can have ^_^
2008-07-26 12:36:39 UTC
At least the aftermath of me getting torn asunder by a hungry lizard was epic!
2008-07-30 08:39:43 UTC
My group accidentally lead an umberhulk into town, well, it gave Meekins the courage to FIGHT BACK against Batts' Tyranny!

Egon the Monkey
2008-07-30 08:52:31 UTC
"Gripe, moan, umberhulks are too easy for the loot"
*umberhulk turns up*
How did that happen anyway?
Daemonic Daz
2008-07-30 21:59:25 UTC
It was bound to happen between those two guys, who won?
2008-08-16 01:50:52 UTC
Three people died on the same trap, one after another, two of them fully aware that there is a trap. <_<

2008-08-16 02:03:16 UTC
Jubal's dreaded checkerboard.
Arko Evali
2008-08-16 02:30:31 UTC
What kind of self-respecting dungeon hasn't got one of those? Honestly.
2008-08-16 07:40:00 UTC
Removed due to possible spoiler. <----Apologies, figured enough time had passed.

2008-08-16 16:58:47 UTC
Three people died on the same trap, one after another, two of them fully aware that there is a trap. <_<
My pack is the one by the statue...I went there to pull the 1st dead one off. Sorta feel you can see I wasn't even close to the *spoiler* square!