The Ace Of Blades
2008-01-04 08:21:15 UTC
[The following advertisements are spread relatively everywhere. The pictures are rather well drawn, and a bit of fancy writing adds to the notice's visual appeal.]
Aran Durendal's Musical Services! Send a letter* to the Last Stand or seek me out in Upper Sanctuary or Lower Sanctuary. Name your price depending on the demand and quality of the performance. I can :
-Play a violin/lute with Vocals.
-Play a violin/lute piece without Vocals.
-Write and sing a song about you and your achivement(s).
-Assist in any other performances regarding the Arts
*PM or Forums.
The Ace Of Blades
2008-01-06 06:46:25 UTC
[A slight, small notice is tacked to each posting.]
***The Price of Special Commissions***
are determined by :
- how long your tale or demand is. [0-10 Gold]
- how complicated your tale or demand is. [10-50 Gold]
- how long the song is to be. [5-X*]
- if you wish me to play an instrument with the vocals. [5]
- if the instrument is a lute [15] or a violin [10].
- how well the end perfromance turns out.
~Aran Durendal
*X is a varied number. It can go quite high, as I can make a large five-page epic or a short, four-line poem. For longer commissions I demand twenty-five gold up front.