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Letter to the Seekers


Again, I call upon your expertise and aid. Gaeseric and his companion Gundahar only recently left the Mycopolis and now the champion of Sanctuary is needed most. If he can be found, he will surely return home with haste. Can this be done?

Painbearer of Lord Ilmater


I shall see what can be done. This matter concerns me greatly. I had spoken with the Druidess but two darks ago, and she did not seem concerned. You should speak with me in person.

- Jones


What has occured concerns me greatly. Any followers I've amassed and I will help you locate him with all deliberate speed, though be warned: I will not fight alongside Harbingers Belarius and Alphonse. They refused to strike down a drow that walked freely in the streets of Lower, claiming that 'simple thuggery' (and clearly decency) were beneath them. When a brave woman of Lower tried to bring one of the drow's lackeys to justice, they threatened to murder her. What was perhaps most damning, they admitted to me that they would wait for a child to be murdered or sold into slavery to even draw their swords against it.

I implore you to cease all dealings with these petty tyrants. They are twisted fanatics who have no understanding of what justice is. All they seek is their own gratification for real or imagined slights, and have the will to do anything they see fit in their desperate crusade for vengeance. The Seekers will have no part of their shameful thuggery, and for the good of Lower's people I implore you to select a friendship with the Seekers rather than subjugation to the Harbingers.


Seeker Orsini

[a brief note is scrawled]

I will be unlikely to make any expeditionary trips within the coming hours, though may be free much later.

I'll keep in touch.

((Have some freinds over, so dunno when/if I'll play tonight!))

Another letter arrives, one at the burnt Shrine and the other at the Crone. It is a very simple card, unlike his other notes which are typically quite intricately written.

I know you've got some serious matters of your own to deal with right now, but I need to see Seeker Jones immediately. I think I've found it. It's in the Canal, through the sewers. Karl Brass showed it to me.


I'll find you.
