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When fruit throwing, Hostile!

Yes, when throwing fruit you are prompting a potentially immediate Hostile response. So for convience purposes my invisible rogue hins, hostile the target before throwing fruit!

COuld this be a new rule addition?

I would prefer you get a DM for this, just my personal preference.

You are doing something which may, and often times must result in a flail to the face. It's unfair to do this without a DM, and make the other player wait for a DM, while you run away, knowing full well the time it will take them to get a DM, gives you plenty of time to get away.

Just consideration IMO.

Then get a dm and make fruit throwing a hostile action

Agreed. If someone chucks a fruit, you immediately want to punch them in the face.

DM needed action, please.

I fully agree.

With the notable exception of certain circumstances. I fondly recall a three-way fruit throwing fight between some Crone employees once. It was extraordinary. It should go without saying and all, but sometimes you have to point out the absurdly obvious to avoid tedious concerns later.

I oppose this idea for several reasons.

1. There is already an entire faction devoted to dealing with fruit-throwing and other similar activities.

2. If you are in a place where you cannot access a Watch PC, then it's likely that you don't need a DM for PvP anyway, with Lower being the obvious exception.

3. The server is a better place when the DMs are spending more time on fresh spice than on rotten fruit.

I don't think this is -necessary-, but if it causes problems often (which it may) then I guess it would be important to regulate it. I dunno, I figure fruit is just fruit really. As long as people don't pelt you with 20 pieces in a position where you can't retaliate with PvP or more fruit then it seems more like a physical insult than an attack.

Throwing fruit is silly.

All I am saying is, Fruit throwing is instigating a POtential response from the player in question, and who knows what is in the fruit, Poison gas bombs, Nails, Disease!?

And ..Playa....You need a dm for PvP in lower.

PlayerCharacter with Lower being the obvious exception.

Tom, he's not saying you don't need a DM in Lower. It's just that, in his opinion, the Lower people aren't going to react at all to some fruit throwing. Heck, they don't even react to swinging blades most of the time. So... I don't think fruit throwing necessarily implicates the thrower as a PvP initiator unless he does so to deliberately initiate it. Getting a DM should be left up to the player who's throwing, and then to anyone who may respond violently.

PlayerCharacter I oppose this idea for several reasons.

1. There is already an entire faction devoted to dealing with fruit-throwing and other similar activities.

2. If you are in a place where you cannot access a Watch PC, then it's likely that you don't need a DM for PvP anyway, with Lower being the obvious exception.

3. The server is a better place when the DMs are spending more time on fresh spice than on rotten fruit.

Think of it as a courtesy then.

who knows what is in the fruit, Poison gas bombs, Nails, Disease!?

I do believe that nail-filled fruit warrants a suggestion thread in and of itself.

A stealthy wizard with improved invis.

The next super hero of EFU.

Wherever noses go unwrinkled, wherever clothes go unstained....he will be there.

The Mad Fruiter. Hero of the night.

You can always just throw fruit back at them, if your character is so inclined. One of my favorite moments in EfU involved a massive fruit fight, and if we had a DM nearby, I wasn't aware of it.

Get a DM before you do it Thomas.

I often retaliate to fruit being thrown by slamming 2 feet of steel into their stomach.

EfU needs more fist-fights, anyway.

Vlaid A stealthy wizard with improved invis.

The next super hero of EFU.

Wherever noses go unwrinkled, wherever clothes go unstained....he will be there.

The Mad Fruiter. Hero of the night.

Vlaid. Do this.

Kotenku EfU needs more fist-fights, anyway.

Yeah, but only people who suggest those are monks... where are all the good old drunken brawls? Who in their right mind buys rothe milk?

Beer makes you fat. :(

Malibu and coke, please! :D

As I understand it you are supposed to hostile people if you are spying on them.

I don't see why it shouldn't apply for this, or at least you should get a DM.

I mean, it can really ruin a character's image to get rotten fruit thrown in his face, without the option to respond in an IC manner if it means violently.

Froooots!!!! More thrown frooots!!!!

Fresh batch of newly minted DM's, sure they would love to oversee our fruitalicious antics!!!

Not going to be a policy, but a nice courtesy to extend if you suspect the target may wish to react in a violent way.


Fruit throw +1 !