It is with a sincere, grave apology that I address you, the people of Sanctuary, for the final time in any position of authority. I speak to you tonight to renounce the authority and the trust you have so generously and confidently placed in me. I do this with no small amount of trepidation, but I do it nonetheless, because I will not continue in a position where I believe my presence would be only detrimental, not beneficial.
When I asked for your support and your votes to place me upon the Sanctuary Council, I stated that I would commit myself to a number of ideals and goals for the betterment of Sanctuary. I did my best to support these goals; some of them have been passed or are in the process of being passed by the authority of the Council. Others ideas remain topics of controversy, but I am confident that the groundwork exists to bring into existence the ideals, the laws, and the goals that I propagated in my campaign. Although I will not see these through, I believe I have done all that I can to give these initiatives a chance at success. In this way, I would hope you agree that I have done what I may for the city, even though I will not be adhering to my stated promise of continuing out the length of my term.
The Council is, in many ways, representative of the disparate and fractured populace of Sanctuary; it is diverse, it is often at odds, and it seldom shares a like mind on any subject. Although this is to be expected, it is my belief that my continued presence on the Council will only serve as a grave division to its combinatorial role; that, although it is a fractured, disembodied voice of authority, I am so radically different from the common Councilor that my presence on the Council has surpassed the point where it would be useful. Many of you may consider this cowardice or abandonment-to shirk or run away from the challenge of presenting my views and garnering favor for my position, in spite of opposition. Were I not chosen to represent and embody the will of a commanding percentage of Sanctuary's populace, I would agree with you; as, however, my ultimate responsibility is to the people who elected me, I believe that it would be the height of arrogance to continue in a position where I cannot perform the duties they expect of me. I will not dishonor your support by holding onto a position that only creates friction within the body that is expected to make a number of important decisions for Sanctuary.
With this said, I resign my position as a Councilor of Sanctuary. I pray that I will continue to have your support, your prayers, and your respect, but my place in the political light of Sanctuary has passed. I have always worked to do the best that I can for the people whom I was committed to serve in both the Watch and the Council; now, I believe that removing myself from the airs of power in Sanctuary is what is best for this city. Remember always that my heart will remain with the battle of the righteous citizens of Sanctuary, and perhaps one day we will fight alongside each other again. For now, however, you must continue the fight before you without me.
Sanctuary is a beautiful refuge amidst the heart of night. The true beauty of Sanctuary is not in her streets, her structures, or her myriad of physical treasures, however; it is found in the souls of those who ever strive to remain free of both the shackles of physical slavery and the whispered, seductive web of evil powers and influences. Remember always that this beauty is Sanctuary's greatest strength; know that this beauty has enabled the people of Sanctuary to survive where all odds would indicate it could not. Love both yourselves and your fellows for the strength, integrity, and morality of your souls, and never allow your beliefs and your principles to be compromised by the tantalizing allure of the darkness around you. For those who have fallen and allowed their morality to wane, look to those who continue to stand upright as an example, and know that you may also find your strength of will again, should you so wish.
With Lady Firehair's grace pouring through me, I address you like this for the last time. It has been an honor to serve this Sanctuary in both the Watch and the Council, and no matter what becomes of her, I will never forget her. I know you will not forget me.