From my wanderings on this server, I have come to the conclusion that druids get the short end of the stick (heh heh). Is there any evidence to the contrary? I feel that with no 'wilderness' due to the Bioware tileset issues you lose out on many of the things that make druids good (or at least even with the other classes). Lets take a brief comparison:
Druids: -d8 hit dice -Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, Shields -Weapon Proficiencies: 'Druid' Weapons (club, dagger, scimitar, sickle, spear, quarterstaff, and sling) -Skill Points Per Level: 4+Int Modifier (x4 at 1st character level) -Class Skills: Animal Empathy, Concentration, Heal, Lore, Parry, Persuade, Spellcraft -Class Features: Divine Spellcasting, Shapechange 'Wilderness' Powers
Clerics: -d8 hit dice -Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields -Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Weapons -Skill Points Per Level: 2+Int Modifier (x4 at 1st character level) -Class Skills: Concentration, Heal, Lore, Parry, Persuade, Spellcraft -Class Features: Turn Undead, Divine Spellcasting (spontanious healing, raise dead), Domain Powers
So, I must ask- would one just be better off making a cleric, but giving them a nature diety and RPing similar to a druid? Or is there some variable I am not covering? Because I really like the thought of playing a druid, but given the lack of wilderness tiles I feel a cleric might have a better chance out there in the harsh Underdark (even if I must sacrifice shapechange). And while playing a 'weaker' PC is fun (take it from a kobold) I am sort of looking to balance playing Twitch out with a more robust PC.