Bounty Notice: Aleczumberzeil te Esoterotept (Alias: "the Scholar") Date: Eleint 10th, 152 S.R. Delivery: Alive Reward: 10,000 Coins and Hoarite Artifact courtesy of Councilor Nina Sikara.
Crimes: Animating and summoning of the dead within Dunwarren, resisting arrest, theft of city property.
Description: Older-looking gentlemen, skin extremely pale- wears a silver and obsidian bone structure over his skin that is said to be sentient. Wears an helmet of the same colour that is a form of crown. Fights with his flail and tower shield. He can summon two powerful undead beings : An extremely strong goblin-spirit, and a mummified warrior.
Current Location: It is believed his base of operations are sewer town (where he conducts his research on Dunwarren), lower Sanctuary and the Undead Shop of Thomas Alqvin.
Notes: He is an extremely powerful adversary, and should only be approached with extreme caution, by the strongest and most well prepared bounty hunters. His known associates include the half-orc Gargortag (who wears a distinctive golden helm also reported to summon powerful undead), Yvonne Rhune, and a powerful svirfneblin warrior, by the name of Thulwar.