Hey, you know me, I am bitter. I promised not to be negative and trollish on the forum anymore so I'll use this thread to list all my gripes a last time before being forever nice on the forums.
Okay, here it goes! Some of those are hypocritical, but sue me:
I hate, in no particular order~
- players that can't type too well
- players that don't RP all that much
- arrogant elves, dwarves that say "oy", halflings, gnomes, half-orcs that think that having an INT of 8 means they can't speak properly [stereotypes and following racial stereotypes is great, but there ought to be a non-stereotypical character every now and then, to break the norm]
- people moving too quickly in quests
- people moving too slowly in quests
- people that refuse to quest because "we aren't enough" or "we need a fighter" [the most fun I tend to have with imbalanced, way too weak questing groups. 3 wizards doing Mary's? Hilarious!]
- newbies that don't improve [my fault! I should help them improve, instead of whining]
- sending a /DM tell and getting no reply. Guys, a "we're busy" >> no reply. I never know when to send another tell. 30 minutes? 2 hours? By the time I gather enough courage to the issue is long gone.
- Chudax' blessings still being bugged. It can't take too long to fix this, I reported it liked half a year ago and his blessings still last 3 seconds! I want my gold back!
- people not doing the difficult quests. You'll say, sure, they are done, but I usually miss it, and so it seems like they aren't done. Also, I wish people actually made sendings for the difficult quests. Doing Seer with a sending-gathered party was the greatest fun ever - [elven fighter/wizard, kobold rogue, goblin rogue, elven cleric]
- people being OOC unfriendly/untalkative
- people being too OOC friendly/talkative
- people saying things OOCly, then expecting me to know them ICly. I am cool with a tell asking me to "hey, wanna do trogs now?". But for Oghma's sake, ask me ICly about it too! My character is no mind reader. Except when he is.
- kobolds and goblins having it too easy. I know some DMs disagree, but that is just how it is - being a kobold and a goblin has become WAY too easy. WAY too easy. At this rate I'll have to apply for Drow to get my kicks :/
- people not attacking my kobolds/goblins often enough. Why am I buying all this Expedious Retreat and Invisibility when I don't get attacked? You may call it my fault that I don't provoke being attacked, but being a monster should be provocation enough for at least 60% of PCs.
- paladins. Seriously.
- rogue 6 / ranger 1
- fighter X / rogue 3 with maxed UMD. Actually I think this is better than Rogue/Ranger and tends to often make sense ICly, but there's way too many people using this build.
- buffbot wizards. Guilty of playing this myself because damn, they make quests much easier, but still.
- Tempus, Helm, Lathander, all the Horus-Re, Set, etc. gods, Torm, all those fuzzy Paladin gods, Ilmater. They're all the same, bah.
- monks. What a ridiculous concept. Damn you, WotC.
- knockdown in the NWN engine. It's so damn good there's 100% no reason not to take it as a fighter. Or rogue. Or cleric.
- half-orcs again
- paladins again
- people that can't take harsh humour, cynicism, sarcasm and/or a joke on their costs. It's the internet, gee.
- love of danger. EFU thrives on danger, so please, risk stuff. You can always retreat, usually.
- lag, which brings me into:
- THE FUGUE. I don't know how often I gave up a fun concept just because I landed there on a quest. There's nothing that makes me hate a character of mine more than ending up in there.
- respawn RP. Bloody hell, some people "Tsk! Sleeping on the task!" is about as annoying as "Useless git!". I'd rather find a new concept than endure that. Unless my concept is already really awesome. Even then I often don't respawn - it's the Underdark. People die. Deal with it. [Hypocrisy alery~]
- paladins again
- boring RP. I know this is an RP server. That's cool. But hardcore RP isn't lovingly describing how you eat stuff in a tavern, nor is it chatting with your adventurer lasses about the news all day. That can be a part of it, of course, but I prefer, you know, going out there, experiencing danger, doing stuff.
- Canzah not playing a gang member/leader right now. What's wrong with you? :|
- Witless no longer playing. Come back!
- Fenaris being dead. Only well-played dwarf I ever met. [Dwarf. I meet tons of well-played Duergar]
- people bitching too much about things they hate. Oh shi-
- special apped races that have no written description/appearance. What the...? You apply for a Drow/Duergar/etc and then you're too lazy to write a description? Screw you!
- "well-written" descriptions. This is an ugly, ugly habit most likely imported from MUCKs: using words like "burlywood", "tangerine" or "effervescent" in your description is even worse than no description. It makes you look like a douche. And I don't want to get the dictionary out just because I didn't know that particular word for that particular shade of red.
- speaking of descriptions. why is EVERY eye either sapphire or emerald-coloured?
- having silver hair and/or lavender eyes makes me want to kill your PC on the spot.
- people flipping out about spoilers. What? Can't you keep IC and OOC apart? It wouldn't faze me at all if someone PMed me all the secrets of Dunwarren because frankly I'm person enough to keep IC and OOC apart... [note: this is a personal thing. I seem to be, as a person, immune to spoilers. You can tell me all the spoilers you want to the latest movie I want to see, I'll still enjoy it. You can even tell me the murderer of a crime-movie before I watch it and I'll still love watching it.]
- jumping to conclusions too quickly. I am guilty of this. I remember reading "The Scholar"'s ridiculous name and thought, damn, that guy will prolly suck. Then I RP with him with my kobold and it turns out he rocks! I am thinking about rolling up a young, guidance-less student of magic and death just because of a 10 minutes RP experience with him. Jumping to conclusions will be the death of me.