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Councilor Donrick's Acceptance Speech

(A little balated, I know... Sue me.)

Copies of Donrick's acceptance speech are distributed around Sanctuary.

Fellow Sancturians. It is with great honour that I accept this position, as one of five Councilors entrusted by you, the people, with the job of leading Our Sanctuary forwards. Previous Councilors have often squandered the chance to do great things by chasing questionable goals, and personal enrichment. It is things like this, that has lead to many of you to question the true effectiveness of this age old institution.

As Councilor, I will rekindle the trust you once had, and move Our Sanctuary forward into a great new age! With the full reunification of our once shattered city, and cooperation between organisations at its highest, there is no better time.

My door is always open to ideas and requests, so long as there are citizens willing to share them.

This term, I serve you.

Long live Our Sanctuary!