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Carrying a body

Would it be at all possible to mark characters who are encumbered by carrying a dead body in a non-obtrusive but noticeable manner, so people will know who's hiding a corpse and who's bringing rothe meat back to the city?

I am in 100% support of the skull and cross bones floating over someones head suggestion.

The fear effect might work nicely for this, or perhaps combo it with the cloud of flies.

There is always a noticeable flag effect. Red, Blue, Gold, Silver-what have you. The flag juts out from the PC's back, and is quite noticeable.

Eww. Flags? No thanks.

What is wrong with roleplaying that you are carrying a corpse as we presently do?

Because it's hard to stop every time someone passes you to say "[Carries a heavy-looking human corpse on his shoulder]" or whatever. Or, indeed, for someone in stealth/invis to know.

I think something that's not so immersion breaking would be preferrable.

Please no more colour codes:!:

I am color blind and have enough trouble as it is with telling who a PC is vs a NPC or a safe trap or a dangerous trap.

Joe Desu Please no more colour codes:!:

I am color blind and have enough trouble as it is with telling who a PC is vs a NPC or a safe trap or a dangerous trap.

Seriously? Man should be hard ...

Anyway, I agree with the idea, this immersion break is indeed preferable.

I agree it could be the fear effect, it would eliminate colors as a problem.

And that was something I always ask myself something should make your 18 STR Fighter carrying someone dead body look like he is actually carrying it.

i think the typing the emote is better.

couldn't a automatic one be scripted everytime you are carrying a dead body? or you could make your own macro thing.

Phoenix couldn't a automatic one be scripted everytime you are carrying a dead body?
That's what LTS was suggesting, although instead of repeating emote, he wanted a VFX. Both are certainly doable, but the emote adds unnecessary spam.

Phoenix or you could make your own macro thing.
This is what I would suggest instead.

how about when carrying a corpse of a pc, an autotext macro fires off in the talk channel for that character every minute or so listing the race of the corpse in hand?

Non-immersion breaking, emoting, and works while walking, and happens automatically.

Conversley, if you want to enable or disable this repeated note, there could be a '/c corpse_emote enable' '/c corpse_emote disable' command to go with it if you (or anyone else) find it annoying.