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Councilor Sunellar's Acceptance Speech

I wish to offer my thanks to the citizens of Sanctuary for their support and their faith in me. I have asked for your trust, and you have displayed it-and now, I will do all that I may to show you that your trust is not misplaced. With that said, however, I must again ask something of you, the people of Sanctuary, as this Council term begins.

You have chosen five individuals to serve as your elected leaders, but that service is always subordinate to your will as a free Sanctuary against the night. Provide the Council with ideas, with suggestions, with comments, with praise, and with criticism, if you believe such is necessary. Continue to express your wishes and your desires throughout the Council term-do not simply think your only chance to make your voices known is at election time. The greatest failings of a number of Council terms has always been their inability to listen to and respond to the needs of the people they were chosen to serve. Understand that your voices will always be heard, and your initiatives and help to ensure the Council does all that it can for Sanctuary will always be welcomed.

Lady Sune Firehair's grace will guide me, as it always does, as I take up the position you have chosen me for. Be assured that I will not disappoint. Let beauty never be suppressed, hindered, or dampened in this Sanctuary-and let all citizens remember to continue making their thoughts known to the Council, for the improvement of this city against the night that we all share.