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The Death of Selletal Quelzeltszar

Not my character, but Dr. Dragon's. When he heard I'd got a screenshot, he urged me to post it.

The details of how the fight started are unimportant... but this is a shot of Buzzlebub preparing dinner. Selletal was the guest of honor. And yeah, that's him laying unconcious on the floor.

Apologies for my poor screen-capturing skills!


Never hung out with him, but this is now one less person Drin will have to smite!

Buzzlebub is great, entertaining, and well played. I like this PC a lot.

cool screenie.

Haha! Fun character. Long live goblins. Stay alive, man.

Anyway Selletal was great. However he wasnt that fun to play and went really astray from my original goals! Also ive proven one thing Sanctuary is full of idiots so many people quested with me without even asking to see my skin or my face a fully leathered guy its no problem! ROFL. Also I was discovered by Team Law and had to be there slave practicly.

I had so much planned that went unfinished. Personally it got boring because A There was nothing to do except lurk in the shadows and quest out. Personally Duergar was a way funner Race to play rather Than Half-Drow.

What does this prove? Dr D will not be apping for a Full Drow for you Slavers asking. Dr D is only good at playing evil people and monsters and Duergar and Pale Duergar IE Evil Dwarf. ):

Also ive proven one thing Sanctuary is full of idiots so many people quested with me without even asking to see my skin or my face a fully leathered guy its no problem! ROFL.

That fails to prove anything.

I enjoyed hounding you :D

I just wish you'd of listened to me damnit :( I wanted to figure out his plots. and then kill him for it.

Damn you Dr dragon.


So Dr. Dragon has apped for and received a hobgoblin, duergar and now a half-drow?

DANG, you got game in Appsville! Congratulations!

Don't forget his shortlived bugbear.

Damn, us Kobolds wanted to eat him . . .

Dr. D, no one was asking :? but I do wait to see your next creation. :) Eighties do not be discouraged. :wink:

It's cool enough that Buzzlebub got a meal out of it ... I'm still not sure whether he actually tried to betray us kobolds or not. I guess I'll have to find that one out in game.

Doc, app for half dragon...you have that magic touch, lets see you pull it off...only he has to be a gimped kobold necormancer who hates the shadow tribe..come on, I know you can pull it off..A necromantic kobold, with wings, who has a small undead army at his disposal, sound like Dr. D's perfect next char!!!

Eighties Burnout :(