2007-12-16 06:56:28 UTC
I'd first like to clarify that instead of making tons of Buzzlebub
threads, I'll just put them all in here from now on. =)
A hobgoblin's head is shoved firmly onto a pike in
Lower Sanctuary, the wooden pole itself near the Brewery. The
creature's eyes have been plucked, its tongue bitten from its
The hobgoblin's cloth shirt hangs from head, nailed to the forehead.
On it is written:
Mighty Buzzlebub flattens maaaaajor mighty hobgoblin leader!
Mighty Buzzlebub frees hobgoblin's enemies from major nasty
tyranny! Buzzlebub and Da Broken Teef are the bestest!
It's written in what looks like ichor from Underdark slimes, in
Buzzlebub's signature mix of Goblin and Common.
A barrel sits beside the pole, so that the little guy could reach the
top of it to shove the head down.
2007-12-16 12:23:56 UTC
Buzzlebub frantically tries to find writing material.
He's used up most of the paper from flyers he's torn down, so he
once again descends into working with the hides of the massive
sewer rats. Only two or three of these posters can be seen, one
existing in each corner of Lower, except near the Seeker temple.
Again, he writes in a strange mix of Goblin and Common.
Have you be doing business with kobold or goblin merchants?
Maybe you buy potions from the Mighty Buzzlebub?! Maybe you be
goings to buy things from Chudax or Bunge?! Maybe you be
watching out!
Maaaaaajor bad mojo in Lower! Two knighty men going around
smashing people who be doing any business with lizzers and
They be smashing and crashing all through Lower!
Be having no scared! The Mighty Buzzlebub and Da Broken Teef
are being loyal to friends! They being true friends of Lower! Be
looking past scales and ear wax! They be helping! Not be listening
to smelly knights!
The Mighty Wizzer-Shaman Buzzlebub IV...
... Chieftan of Da Broken Toof Clan!
2008-01-07 00:22:36 UTC
Able to afford actual parchment now, Buzzlebub the goblin slaps
together an advertisement. Bordered with dark red dung and
written with various dyes and oils, the large banner's
message is scrawled primarily in Common, though a few
unmistakably goblin terms slip through throughout its length.
Copies of such banners can be found above the pump house door,
above the Beacon, near the trash pile outside the Crone and on
the stairs leading up to Upper Sanctuary.
Warning to people of Lower Sanctuary!!
You be buying things from Mighty Buzzlebub? You be going on
quests with goblins and lizzer-men? You being a good person? You
be doing what's right for Lower?
Warning! Some longlegs want you to think that you being major
nasty man! Some longlegs want you think that being goody person
is actually being evil person! Some longlegs being stupid! Don't be
letting yourself being fooled!
Mighty Buzzlebub and Da Broken Teef are being helping! We give
money to Miiiiiighty Hoar-men! We be giving money to shelter! We
be giving monies to whoever be needing monies to be doing goody
But nooooooo say the nasty Seekers! They not wanting people
being happy! They not wanting Broken Toof Clan to be giving major
monies to charities! They being major bad mojos!
Might Wizzer-Shaman Buzzlebub IV...
... Chieftan of Da Broken Toof Clan!
2008-01-08 10:08:36 UTC
He tears off bits of cloth from his Goblin Town banners and sets to
work creating another masterpiece for the enjoyment of those in
Lower Sanctuary. This one is pinned up along various random
structures such as Mary's and the Pump House.
Buzzlebub be walking along road one day...
... and he see man in street, be bleeding, be screaming, be begging
people for help! Man in street being ignored!
Buzzlebub hears from all over that Lower is mighty because Lower
looks out for Lower! Is this being what Buzzlebub being seeing?
No! But Buzzlebub here to help!
The Mighty Warrior Deebek of Da Broken Toof Clan do survey in
Lower Sanctuary. He find that 397% of Lower people be liking
and supporting the maaaajor generous Broken Teef! Why you
not joining rest of Lower? Support what being good for Lower!
We have cheese!
The Mighty Wizzer-Shaman Buzzlebub IV...
... Chieftan of Da Broken Toof Clan!
2008-01-09 11:28:58 UTC
With a great energy and eagerness, Buzzlebub sets up his
newest posters. This one is significantly more legible, it's
obvious that with practice, the goblin is becoming something
of a neat writer.
Dear Lower Sanctuary!
The Mighty Buzzlebub offers ANOTHER sum of monies to Lower!
This time he gives monies to The Beacon, which be giving yummy
food and comfy beds to everyone in need!
Buzzlebub declares the Sluggy-Goblins ENEMIES of Da Broken Toof
Clan! Buzzlebub declares that any Sluggy-Goblins that Da Broken
Teef see are to be avoided or smooshed upon!
Buzzlebub fights to protect Lower Sanctuary! Buzzlebub is Mighty
Protector of Lower Sanctuary!
The Mighty Wizzer-Shaman Buzzlebub IV...
... Chieftan of Da Broken Toof Clan...
... and Protector of Lower Sanctuary!