Once again putting his unusually powerful goblin brain to use, Buzzlebub goes to work tearing down flyers wherever he finds them, turning them over and writing on their backs. Using rothe dung and various powdered fungal growths, he's able to produce a vaguely colorful collection of posters. These are written crudely in a strange assortment of goblin and common. Someone speaking either language could understand its meaning, but anyone who speaks both could understand nearly perfectly.
Mighty Wizzer-Shaman Buzzlebub IV, Chieftan of Da Broken Toof Clan defeats Teebok, maaaaaajor powerful lizzer kobold witch doctor! Kobold challenges Mighty Buzzlebub to single combat, and Buzzlebub uses his powerful magicks to become mightier!
Surrounded by kobolds, Buzzlebub defeats their mighty leader! Long living Buzzlebub, Lord of Da Broken Teef!
Gnomes smell!