A tiny book suitable for a small humanoid, around it, if found in tact is a cloak kept in a fine condition, within one of the pockets should you search is a small dagger adorned with fanciful runes
Glimmalkin Bunkwinkle Ranzwick Scheple
The writing is in fanciful small script written elegantly, there are no date markings or otherwise ways to know when each entry was written
Glimmalkin Bunkwinkle Ranzwick Scheple is my name. I was raised in a small gnomish family sworn to praise Baravar CloakShadow. We moved about from settlements rapidly with no time to meet any new people, however we left our mark in every town we went, hidden deep within one of the darkest places we left a sacred book that was filled with gnomish runes of The Sly One's teachings. We traveled far across the surface using a small cave system we discovered which seemed to be constructed for concealed travel.
We traveled the cave system for years and years discovering new secrets and sometimes in the caves we found dried blood and remains of bones. One day came and when we were traveling the caves and ahead we heard a bickering drow and a duergar. They were arguing over something useless, which way to go and it eventually turned into a fight where the duergar lunged at the drow with his axe. The drow took a deep hit across the chest, but as soon as that happened twenty drow appeared from the shadows and they killed the duergar. We tried to get away before they noticed us, but it was too late, we were captured by their magic.
Years of being a slave to the drow house called Usurel, I designed a plan to escape, a most elaborate and well thought out plan to escape the drow's clutches and be free once again. I stole some things tossed aside in a garbage pile while the drow were not looking and constructed a peice of machinery, a magnificent thing it was infused with many prayers for illusions from Baravar. It took many prayers and nights to create this machine, it was in the shape of a small statue of an elf. Quite clever because all the drow would immediately rush to it when it was time to set it off in order to destroy it.
I found the perfect time to use my device. The past few weeks were filled with commotion and chaos over a famed beautiful priestess of the spider bitch lloth to arrive. Everyone was preparing for her arrival and no one was keeping as strict a watch on the slaves. My time to escape was soon.
I made sure the elf statue was in working order. There was a great parade for the queen. All the slaves were forced to bow to her as she arrived. I had the statue hidden well under my shirt. She was marching in upon a massive spider. I removed the statue, activated the illusion delay sequence and threw it in front of her. All the drow ran over to it in an attempt to destroy it. At the prime moment it was triggered, shooting off great illusions ripping into their minds, leaving many babbling and some dead from the power of the illusion. I took some supplies off the drow and hurried off into the caves again.
I wandered for many days in search for my family and the caves we used to travel in, I could not find them.
I decided to go deeper into the caves, I arrived upon a town called Sanctuary, rumors say it was stolen. Nonetheless there was work and I delivered some things about the town.
When I went down the steps there was a kobold and goblin, vile filth that will be destroyed once I am able to get some supplies or a fellow illusionist. Their worthless minds are weak against the great illusions the Sly One provides, they will fall.
I have found some gnome kind in these depths, they seem to align themselves with a group called the seekers, seeking the surface and freedom. I went on a journey with them to S'salteesh, A filfthy kobold land, they had a boat docked there, we brought it back to the town after aimlessly wandering the lake and fighting drow... and other things. One of their friends is a rat-man, can he be trusted?
Kobolds roam the lower streets, one of them attacked myself and a friend of mine. We hunted it and eventually killed it. However it's companion it found ran off when I shot him from the shadows.