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Vote Sunellar!

The following notices are placed throughout Sanctuary.

Citizens and defenders of Sanctuary, the coming eve will mark the onset of the voting period for the next Council term. I was the first of the candidates to make known my campaign and my policies; bulletins that contain this information are freely available throughout the city, and I will not belabor your attention by reiterating what I have spoken and written before. I will, however, ask this of you: when you go to the polls in the coming week, consider carefully the candidates available to you. Weight each of their positive and negative attributes carefully. Consider everything that you know and think of them, and place your vote for the candidate whom you truly believe is best able to serve and lead Sanctuary.

I believe that I am this candidate; what is important to me, however, is that you believe this, as well. I will not provide a list of my past successes in the name of Sanctuary, because what concerns me with my bid for the Council is what I may do for the future of this city. I wish a seat upon the Council based upon what I may yet do for Sanctuary-I might ask you to consider what you know of my past to base a decision upon what you believe I may do in the future, but I would never insult you by asking for a Council seat as a reward for my past duties. Likewise, I will not try to hide, conceal, or run roughshod over those attributes of my being that might make you doubt my ability to serve upon the Council; I am who and what I am, I am proud of who and what I am, and this will not change. I am controversial, I am direct, and I am unyielding in my principles and ideals. I do not see these as flaws; I see these attributes as signs that I possess the dynamic flair, the charisma, and the force of personality that gives me the capacity to win your hearts and your votes.

I ask, then, that you consider all that I am and all that I may do. My commitment to the duties of the Council will be firm and assured, my dedication to the people of Sanctuary will be unassailable, and my support of this refuge against the night will be inseparable. Should I fail to win your vote, then I ask you to consider the other candidates carefully, and to choose those who will best represent and serve the hearts of the people of Sanctuary-for the Council, much like our refuge against the night, is a coalition, and wisdom and prudence are necessary to ensure that this coalition is able to work in unerring and undying conjunction for the protection and the betterment of every soul within Sanctuary. I am confident, and I am hopeful, that you will choose from among the candidates those who are free of corruption, graft, decadence, and sloth; and I hope to see the Council restored to an effective force of leadership and direction for the city of Sanctuary.

I was born into the blessed service of Lady Sune Firehair. My life is ever a commitment to the furtherance of love, of beauty, and all the good that comes from these virtues, in the name of the fairest of lovers. My soul reflects the incomparable beauty of Lady Firehair; my persona reflects the fiery radiance and magnificence of her flowing red strands; my actions and my service reflect the noble and lovely grace that accompanies her every movement.

I am Valaron Sunellar, and I ask for your hearts, your votes, and your support.

I know you will not disappoint me.


*Someone has drawn a stick figure at the end of one poster, and has made Sunellar to look like a woman. It reads in crude handwriting "Look I am SO Beautiful!" *