2007-12-09 14:12:10 UTC
Right. So, I was wandering around the Sewers the other day, and I was constantly getting attcked by bands of marauding rats, all hostile. After having elminated the first few batches, it occured to me. This is not fun, in any way. It doesn't add anything to the play experiance, indeed often breaking up what had previously been a moody RP experiance in the Sewers with people. Now, I understand they are a good way for lovies to do quests/get XPs, but having them hostile is really pointless.
Pls make them blue.
- DD
2007-12-09 15:17:03 UTC
I'm afraid there's an IG reason why we've got teeming multitudes of slavering vicious rats in the sewers. However, we'll take this into consideration.
2007-12-09 15:33:25 UTC
Yeah- I have my theories about -why- they are all so hostile. But, well. As I said before! It really does put a dampener on fun.
2007-12-09 15:49:37 UTC
For one potion of ghost visage you can strut down the sewer AND look cool while doing so as rats try to nimble on your feet and FAIL.
2007-12-09 16:39:25 UTC
This is why DR 1 armor is useful.
2007-12-09 19:31:37 UTC
Uhm, I don't understand why the rats wouldn't be hostile. They're vicious and hungry. They eat the city's refuse, they eat the dead bodies that the Watch disposes of, and they eat each other. They're monsteously large too, getting up to the size of small dogs...
I do have one small complaint. They're not that mean attack and damage-wise but they do have some rediculous HP. Back in the day, there was a reason for this because EVERYONE hunted rats for spare change. Now, nobody wants to because it takes forever, is dangerous, and you don't get much of a reward.
I would like to suggest that instead they be weakened. And there are plenty of IC explanations as to why they could become weaker.
2007-12-10 02:23:31 UTC
Is there any way in EFU to script the rats to ignore people after a certain level? Perhaps the rats could be made to ignore those of a level that they are trivial to as the rats would realize they don't stand a chance.
2007-12-10 02:47:31 UTC
Level 5 Barbarians are the bane of rat-kind.
I do think that those rats have a bit beefy HP personally. I mean, they can have as much as twice an adult (low level) HP. Higher AC, low HP would make them annoying. Have you ever tried to catch a rat?
Me neither.
2007-12-10 04:03:56 UTC
2007-12-10 04:20:15 UTC
You can do that with animal empathy, or you can stealth around down there. There are plenty of areas in the sewers that have no rats too. Sorry, the rats are here to stay.